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Street Style Sunday - Johns Jacket

Beams jacket

It's that time of the week again for Street Style Sunday and I hope some of you can come and join in. I thought since John recently purchased this jacket it was time to do a little mens outfit post as he actually has a larger wardrobe than I do (which will be immediately rectified when we move later this year). He wore this outfit earlier in the week when we managed to get away for 2 hours and enjoy and amazing afternoon tea (post to come).

Eastland shoes
Eastland shoes, Edwin Jeans, Ralph Lauren shirt, Beams jacket

So this week John is wearing a Beams jacket, Ralph Lauren Shirt, Edwin jeans and Eastland shoes. I have also picked up a few new things that past week and starting to get around to updating my wardrobe for summer so lots more outfit posts on the way.

Come and share what you have been wearing this week or what has been inspiring you

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  1. Nice jacket - my other half has a wardrobe to rival my own too! x

  2. That looks like a really nice jacket and great for this time of year x

  3. I love the shirt, that is exactly the style my husband wears. Looking smart John!


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