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Letting the light in the right way

pretty flowers

Natural light is something we all crave, it's proven that sunshine makes us feel happier so making sure you have good quality windows that allow this light to flow into your home and your life is pretty important and can be something we unintentional overlook, especially during the warmer months when under-par and inefficient windows go more unnoticed than that of the colder months when your trying to keep a draft out. I know personally I am always sold by a property that has stunning windows, in fact I dream of having a home with floor to ceiling windows or a bay fronted Victorian with shutters or a Georgian house with large sash windows. I am all about keeping the character in properties so if the windows need to be replaced it needs to be done with care and attention as not to take the character and charisma away.

stunning bedroom

We recently had to replace a window in the eaves of our bathroom and wow it's made such a difference I can't believe we didn't do it sooner. With this type of thing you really need to visit a local double glazing showroom to get a proper idea of what your options are and what your end product is going to look like, especially as new windows don't come cheap and you also want to have it in keeping with the style of your property. Doing this also gives you a chance to have a face to face discussion with professionals who will be able to answer any questions you may have as well as having a local provider to touch base with should anything go wrong or you have any issues. Even if you have a period property you can still be increase your energy efficiency by opting for double glazed windows as it helps keep the warmth in as well as lower those electricity bills, which is a win win all round.

pretty cushions

There are some real benefits to bringing as much natural light into your home.

1. It promotes a sense of wellbeing and happiness
2. Creating an office or working space near a window with flowing light helps towards your creativity, as eye and brain functions response better to natural light.
3. It's proven to increase concentration and focus
4. Those who work in natural light tend to be more productive.

So it really is worth looking after the windows you have in your home and making the most of them, so wake up each morning, pull up those blinds or open those curtains and let the light in.

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  1. I couldn't agree more! I feel that the whole front of our house has transformed since having our windows replaced earlier this week. I also agree on the period/character element too - we live in a 1930s house and although I knew we needed to have PVC windows I was careful to select a company who could produce something as sympathetic to the period as possible and they totally nailed it. I adore Sash windows too on older properties X

  2. Totally agree with this, natural light is the best :)

  3. Natural light does make a difference. In the Winter I feel sort of 'urggh' . Have you ever tried those natural daylight clocks?


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