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Mums making the move - Working from home

home office
A beautiful home office, a creative place to work (image)

A couple of years ago I came to a cross roads, my maternity pay was coming to an end and I was doing some freelance photography work as well as copy writing and blogging but nothing to really write home about. I knew I didn't want to go back to full time employment with a child under one and thought it was the perfect time to make the leap and really pursue my freelance work and I am so glad I did as even with the stress that comes with working from home and in the back of your head knowing you don't have a regular income it's been such an exciting journey as well as having the amazing opportunity to spend a lot of time with my son, which no matter what the future holds I will forever be grateful for.

self employed
My work game face

Now I know for some women working from home will simply never be an option, perhaps because they have amazing careers that they worked long and hard for and should be very proud of, others simply may not have the support system required to work from home, there are various reasons and those women should in no way feel bad about having to return to full time employment as I know you do it with your children and families best interest in mind although it was interesting to recently hear about a survey that showed most children with mothers who worked full-time wished they could work from home and this blog post is simply one to try and encourage those who are too nervous to take the leap.

happy family

With anything there are always pro's and con's and you do need to weigh things up before starting on any new challenge but it's often the unknown that stops us rather than ability. There are lots of useful resources online to get you started and point you in the right direction such as mum entrepreneur Lizz Akin new ebook "For Busy Mums: How to launch a successful business" which is aim to help guide and encourage women to start their own home business and hopefully allowing them more time to spend with their family and create a good work/life balance. Like I said no mother should feel guilty about working full-time but if you are looking for some useful and practical advice on working from home check her ebook out.


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  1. I'm currently at university with the hope to become a primary teacher, so currently I am in no position to even start thinking about babies and settling down. However, I would like to follow in my Mum's footsteps who worked from home. All I remember is my Mum always being home and I believe that part of that is why we have such a good friendship today. I think if thats what Mum's or Dad's even want to do, they should go for it! x

  2. I love working from home, much more than I ever did working out there 'in the real world'. I feel a lot happier in myself and less stress on my family x

  3. Well although Im not a mum yet, running my own business or at least working for myself full time has always been the dream, we are getting there with the photography and I hope to add a few more things to our income over the next year, so when we do have our own little one we should be almost self employed!

  4. I love working from home and there is a lot more flexibility on working than there used to be when my son was small. Being self employed has it's own worries though and it is a big jump for some people but the benefits can be great.

  5. I'm a full time working mum, and I so so wish that uncoils take the leap and work from home, but I just don't think we'd be able to afford it financially, as sadly I dont t think we could ever replicate the income I make from a full time job (not that it's that much, but still...). I envy every WFH mum & hope they all realise how lucky they are. xx

  6. I am lucky that although I do work I get to drop the children of every day and collect 3 times a week, but it would be wonderful to work form home, its a tricky one though isn't it, when is the right time balanced with losing a great wage, the timing has to be perfect


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