Our place to restore the calm


Outdoor fun
Mr A at St Fagans

Life at the best of times can be described as manic or crazy as we move through this modern world at a faster pace than ever before. It can at times be pretty overwhelming and I think that every now and then it's a good idea to take a step back, breath in some fresh air and take time to enjoy the little things, as we as recalibrate. I know if the little man and I don't touch base with our two favourite places we both start to get a little bit of cabin fever especially since we love the outdoors but St Fagans and the Amelia Trust farm hold a special place in our heart and whenever things seem on top of us, or my mind is feeling full and I can sense those dreaded heartaches coming these are the two places we visit to restore some calm back into our lives.

St Fagans Wales

I am a true believer in the healing of power of nature and the benefits of spending as much time connecting with the natural world. I certainly feel more grounded and have a clearer head after a walk in the countryside and those positive effects are certainly seen with Mr A as well. I think that is why we love St Fagans - an outdoor museum and Amelia Trust community farm so much as the both offer so many opportunities for both adults and children to enjoy what nature has to offer.

riding a tractor
Mr A at the Amelia trust farm

Having just had a newborn and spending the past few days recovering inside I cannot wait to get back out with both Mr A and the new little man to share a #BetterPlaces moment with all of us. Do you have a special place you can go to when your feeling little overwhelmed or your mind is a bit foggy?

“This #BetterPlaces post is in support of the Syndol Find Your Better Place campaign with BritMums. Syndol is now formulated for headaches. Visit www.syndol.co.uk for online resources with information about headaches and how to restore calm in your life.”
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Street Style Sunday - Yellow and Blue


Street Style

I cannot believe that next week there will be four of us so I thought I would take the chance to get a little outfit post of these two before our world changes again with the arrival of another little man. These two are so funny together and Mr A often tries to dress the same as John but on this occasion was excited to try out his new yellow rain mac from Mama and Papas which I wish they made in my size!! John also has his well worn Ralph Lauren rain jacket and Universal Works, Ebbets Field Flannels hat, dockers trouser and Eastland boots

bearded man

Can't wait to enjoy wearing normal clothes again and sharing my post-pregnancy outfit journey with you from next week...which also means I get to go shopping again, yay!

I would love you to come and join in with Street Style Sunday linkup alongside myself and Natalie and Kerri-Ann and remember anything fashion related goes from mood boards, what's inspiring you to what you and your family are wearing.

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Keeping the family home on trend


Keeping the family home and happy and creative place

It can keep be hard enough keeping the home ship-shape without worrying about whether it's fashionable enough. However, there are a few things that you can do to avoid looking like you live in a relic from a bygone era.

Minimalist chic

In other words, chuck out the chintz. Many people are going for the classy Scandinavian look as featured by the wonderfully chic Nordic Design blog where minimalism is the order of the day.

With clean white walls, a predominance of warming wood tones, and a sense of sleek functionality, it's a great and cost-effective way to give your family home a makeover. Storage spaces can be easily created and modified through some cheap and adaptable storage blocks. And if you're feeling it's a touch sterile, add a bit of natural flora to bring a bit of life into your interior.

Bedrooms can also be one of the areas that can suffer in family spaces as they tend to become cramped with leftover artefacts and possessions. So why not indulge in a bunk bed with extra cupboard spaces for the kids, or maybe splash out on a divan base bed with a lovely custom made mattress for yourself to open up further storage areas.

A touch of colour

If you're going for the minimalist ethos, don't be afraid of sudden bursts of colour to brighten things up. Whereas past years have seen acid brights and pastel colours in our interiors, 2015 looks to be big on bold and rich hues. The style gurus at Pantone have declared that this year's big colour will be the deep, earthy reds of marsala which will go well with trends of a Moroccan or Indian feel that look to make an impression in 2015. And many have also made the case for rich greens like teal or even cobalt blue walls to make a break from the beige, and add a luxurious and vibrant feel to your home.


And finally, the use of patterns in our interiors are another great way to give your home a fun and stylish feel. Tiling is going to be big in 2015 as we replace laminated flooring in favour of folk art designs that offer a cosy intimacy and chic style. And wallpapers featuring rich, embossed patterns are also looking to make an impression. Well-placed rugs featuring tribal motifs or even cowhide patterns are also set to make style headlines in 2015. So whatever you're thinking of doing, be bold and do it with a bit of flair!

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Friday Finds for the home


Ombre striped clock
Ombre clock and Tepec Cushion 

Spring is on it's way and I love adding a few new additions to the home as well as getting rid of things we really don't need, are not beautiful and serve no purpose and replacing them with well designed and colour pieces. As you have probably already discovered I love Scandinavian inspirations, white backgrounds, simple prints and design. I love the ombre shades of this clock above from Etsy paired up with the Tepec cushion from Urban Outfitters.

wedding mugs
Dream on banner and Mr & Mrs mugs

I am also on the look out for some subtle inspirational prints, nothing too over the top and typography can be great in the home but only if done properly and this "dream on" banner and I think these two white Mr & Mrs mugs from TigerLillyQuinn are too cute - a couple who drink tea together stay together.

wire fruit bowl
Artisan skateboard and Wire hanging fruit bowl

I always have a soft sport for wood and well design objects and would love to hang a beautiful crafted skateboard such as the one above, in our living room and the quirkiness of this wire hanging fruit bowl from etsy is so different yet stylish and effective, it would make a great focus point in any kitchen, and is handmade and made to order.

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Tasty South African Dishes


South African school
Me on my first day of school in Cape Town

If you read the blog regularly you will probably know that I was born in South Africa to a Welsh mother (SA Father) and Mr A has now been born in Wales to a South Africa mother (Welsh Father) so we have an interesting mix in our house when it comes to childhood memories and the food we eat. I love anything Mediterranean as the South Africa diet at times can be very similar to the greek - we are huge fans and producers of Olives and Feta cheese as well as enjoying light salads, tapas and moussaka in the summer sun.  John on the other hand is a fan of slightly heavier British style food which simply was not that common in South Africa - I mean who would want to eat a Sunday roast when its 30 degrees outside.

I used to live on the slopes of the beautiful table mountain

So when I was recently set a Cricket World Cup foodie challenge by Betfair to put together a yummy dish inspired by one of the 14 countries taking part and I knew straight away I wanted to do something South African. Now had it been spring or summer I would of gone with a traditional braai (bbq) menu but with it being so cold outside and John's love of hearty food I thought I would go with something that is South African inspired but perfect for the British palate as well.

I decided to go with a township traditional vegetarian dish Chakalaka which is as colourful and lively in flavour as the name suggests. For dessert it was a toss up between two childhood favourite's - Melk Tart or Baked Lemon Pudding and decided to go with the comforting lemon pudding which is slight less fussy and more simple but transports me to warm evenings tucking into this with me ice-cream.

South African food


A simple spicy dish consisting of tomatoes, peppers and haricot beans

1 onion chopped
2 cloves of garlic crushed
2tbsp curry powder
1 tspn chilli flakes
1 red pepper chopped
1 yellow pepper chopped
2 carrots pealed and grated
2 tbsp tomato puree
400g can chopped tomatoes
400g haricot beans
Olive oil for cooking

1. Heat Oil and cook onions until translucent
2. Add the garlic and stir
3. Add curry powder and chilli flakes and combine
4. Add peppers and cook for another few minutes
5. Add the carrots and stir making sure everything is coated with the curry powder
6. Pour canned tomatos, tomato puree and haricot beans into the pot
7. Cook for another 10 minutes until everything is soft and the sauce has thickened a bit
8. Serve either hot or cold with rice or bread

South African dessert

Baked Lemon Pudding

Now usually we only bake healthy treats in this household but coming to the end of this pregnancy I felt like something really comforting and this was perfect for that

100gm butter
100g castor sugar
2 large free range eggs - separated
250ml self-raising flour
grated rind and juice of 1 large lemon
500ml milk or diary-free milk

1. Beat butter and sugar until light and creamy
2. Add the egg yolks and beat very well
3. In a separate bowl beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form
4. Fold flour into folk mixture with lemon rind and juice and 250ml milk
5. Fold egg whites in lightly and stir in remaining milk
6. Pour into a well greased oven proof dish and bake at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes or until well
risen. The pudding should make a crusty top with a creamy lemon custard base

What county would you have picked to do the challenge? Or what is your favourite "world food"?

'I was asked by Betfair to take part in the Cricket World Cup Recipe challenge'

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The bath is back


So for the past two weeks the bathroom has been a bit of a war zone. Our bath had sprung a rather bad leak which meant water was running into our living room - not a good look. As we are planning to sell the house this year we were hoping not to replace the bath as it was very solid and when buying the property didn't appear to be an issue but things don't always turn out how you think they will. If we were going to be living here for a longtime we would of gone for a roll top bath and different tiles but when renovating a property you need to detach yourself a little an we opted for something plain and neutral. All I can say is I am very happy to have a bath and new shower back in before the baby arrives.

Like I said if we were staying in this house longterm we would of gone with something a little bit different, not that we don't like ours now, it's a cute little room in the eaves which we have made a fair amount of changes too with new floor and wall tiles, bath, wall radiator, taps, paint etc but I am loving these two inspirational bathrooms below

Love the wooden flooring with the roll top bath (image)

My mother recently renovated her bathroom with a reclaimed roll top bath with beautiful silver feet and I don't think I will ever get bored of this more traditional style which can also be dressed up in a modern way.

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Reasons to holiday in the UK


Castle Ruins Wales
Mr A exploring Carreg Cennen in Wales

As you know we love to travel and as much as we enjoy going to new and exotic places or exploring Europe by rail we are also huge fans of discovering what is right on your doorstep and feel the UK has a lot to offer travellers, from cities to quaint villages to rugged coastlines and blue-flag beaches there is something for everyone.

British coastline
Enjoying some time by the seaside

Great Britain has always managed to lure travellers from around the world for a very long time. Its diversity, expansion and an unusual social collage have created a unique atmosphere here. This country has become a real mix of classical culture paired up with the ultra modern and forward thinking of the youth today and places like London are a perfect example of where this works in complete harmony together. Beautiful cities such as Edinburgh are an exciting place to be, with so much history and elegant architecture next to hip pop-up shops, vintage markets and trendy bars, you really feel alive.

London street style
I love spending time in London

Visiting and exploring Britain can really be an unforgettable experience. There are so many different  towns, sights and cities to be explored in every corner of the islands you are spoilt for choice, from urban living to the rural outer regions of the Scottish Hebrides where life could not be more different than that of South making this place is great for road trips. 

Road trip
The UK is great for road trips 

Even though I was not born in the UK, having a Welsh mother we always had British traditions in our household and visited the United Kingdom regularly which made me an avid reader of English literature and with John being a fan of homegrown British films and music we have always wanted to cover all the famous cities as well as the lesser known locations we have read, or watched and heard about and even though we have managed to do quite a bit we still have a fairly long list. Each year we try to tick of a few places wether it be camping somewhere new or going on a mini city break, we think it's also good to instil that staycations can but just as fun as overseas ones.

river wadding
John and Mr A enjoying some river wadding in the Brecon Beacons 

Of course like with anything you need to budget and with a family in tow we have become pretty savvy at making our money go as far as possible. I have touched on before that if we are not driving we use either megabus or book in advance with the trains with our "two together" travel card which gives us 35% off when John and I travel at the same time. We also use cutback sites when it comes to booking hotels or taking advantage of last minute sales and of course before any purchase we also check if there are any online discount codes, I mean why not, we have found tons of vouchers for booking.com on www.voucherbin.co.uk and whatever savings you makes means that little bit more spending money for when you are there.

Wye Valley
We enjoyed this lovely converted chapel in Wye Valley for a bargain off peak

Even though the new arrival is due literally any day now we are already thinking about how exciting it will be take him on his first mini-trip which we have set our eyes on either Brighton, Oxford or Cornwall, but who knows were will take our fancy as we are always changing our mind and going with the flow on these things.

This is a collaborative post 
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Best Gluten-free pancakes & Choc Shot giveaway


tasty pancakes
Our favourite Gluten Free pancakes

After trying out a few different recipes, a few months ago we all agreed that these Gluten Free pancakes were the best going and often having them on Sunday mornings as a family treat. They are super easy to make and contain now wheat or gluten although they do contain eggs as well as delicious greek yogurt. I often cover mine in sliced bananas but on this occasion we were excited to try out some Choc Shot which had been sent to us and made a lovely chocolaty change without all the sugar and calories as it's 100% natural from carob and is gluten and diary free and suitable for veggies/vegans and the little man has become a real fan of having a dash of this in his almond milk.

Chic Shot has been a hit in our house

Gluten Free pancake recipe

200g gluten-fre flour blend (we often use rice flour)
1 1/2 tsp gluten free baking powder
2 free range eggs beaten
200ml milk - dairy free versions also work, we use almond
120g greek yogurt
1 tbsp sunflower oil

1. Place the flour, baking powder, eggs, milk, yogurt and oil into a bowl and stir until there is no lumps or bumps and it's nice and smooth, alternatively you could also use a blender

2. Lightly grease a large frying pan and heat until very hot. Drop tablespoons of batter onto the pan and cooking for a few minutes making sure to turn them at least once and they are nice and golden.

3. To serve stack them up and spoon over some chic shot or maple syrup or fresh fruit.

The lovely people at Choc Shot have been kind enough to give a box of six Choc Shots (worth more than £20) to giveaway to one lucky reader

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Mums making the move - Working from home


home office
A beautiful home office, a creative place to work (image)

A couple of years ago I came to a cross roads, my maternity pay was coming to an end and I was doing some freelance photography work as well as copy writing and blogging but nothing to really write home about. I knew I didn't want to go back to full time employment with a child under one and thought it was the perfect time to make the leap and really pursue my freelance work and I am so glad I did as even with the stress that comes with working from home and in the back of your head knowing you don't have a regular income it's been such an exciting journey as well as having the amazing opportunity to spend a lot of time with my son, which no matter what the future holds I will forever be grateful for.

self employed
My work game face

Now I know for some women working from home will simply never be an option, perhaps because they have amazing careers that they worked long and hard for and should be very proud of, others simply may not have the support system required to work from home, there are various reasons and those women should in no way feel bad about having to return to full time employment as I know you do it with your children and families best interest in mind although it was interesting to recently hear about a survey that showed most children with mothers who worked full-time wished they could work from home and this blog post is simply one to try and encourage those who are too nervous to take the leap.

happy family

With anything there are always pro's and con's and you do need to weigh things up before starting on any new challenge but it's often the unknown that stops us rather than ability. There are lots of useful resources online to get you started and point you in the right direction such as mum entrepreneur Lizz Akin new ebook "For Busy Mums: How to launch a successful business" which is aim to help guide and encourage women to start their own home business and hopefully allowing them more time to spend with their family and create a good work/life balance. Like I said no mother should feel guilty about working full-time but if you are looking for some useful and practical advice on working from home check her ebook out.


This is an associated post
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Monday Interiors - Geometric Print

geometric print
I love this geometric wall paper (image)
Happy Monday everyone, thought I would start it off with some happy interior inspiration and this week is all about geometric print. Oh how colourful and well done geo print makes me happy - just look this this striking wallpaper and cheerful cactai! I thought perhaps by now I would be bored with this quirky style but I am not...at all and cannot wait to move later this year to a house that hopefully has a space for a home office which will be style with some geometric happiness.

Geometric style
Simple Scandi style (image)
Love this (image)

What kind of print/design or trend is making you happy this Monday morning?
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So it's been a pretty busy past few weeks, with the date for the new arrival fast approaching it's also been a pretty exciting time for all of us, plus trying to get organised and on top of things before our life changes forever (again). I thought I would put together a few instagram pics of things that have been making us happy over the past two weeks

1. Kale, beans and egg salad - so simple and so good
2. Looking back at some of the amazing travels we had in 2014 - the two boys on the Left bank Paris
3. A beautiful morning spent in Tenby, West Wales
4. Falling in love with Almond butter
5. Exploring the Welsh coastline
6. Enjoying some yummy breakfast at Premier in on our recent mini break to Tenby
7. A beautiful sunset on a chilly winter evening
8. Me at 38 weeks pregnant
9. Comforting porridge with seeds and cranberries - great way to start the day

What have you been getting up to this week?

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My Saver Story


stylish family

Thank goodness for saving as if we had not been putting a little away each month we would of been hit really hard over Christmas with various things going wrong in the house as well as expecting our second child. In our family I am far more cautious and tend to think ahead while John is a bit more spontaneous with regards to purchases and yet we are the opposite when it comes to travel and adventures. Although since becoming parents we have over the years tried to hit a middle ground as when you have a household to run and kids to clothe, feed and entertain, too many unfortunate expenses can suddenly put a lot of strain on you and it's been one of those times when everything has come at once but we have been able to ride it out due to making sure we put something aside each month. As you grow as a person you of course change and so does the way you do things. Looking back and reflecting on that here is what our saving story has been in the past, present and our dreams for the future.

painted chair
We upcycled this unloved chair for the baby nursery

Past - I think the day I become pregnant with Mr A more than 5years ago was the day we changed the way we looked at money as suddenly you are not just thinking about yourself but you have to start thinking about the future whether you want to or not.

This was the time we really started our family saving journey, where simple things like not eating out as much and learning to make frugal meals, taking lunches to work and cutting down on our daily coffee treats as well as lessening any nights out started to come into play. We also became more aware of what we were consuming in terms of utilities as well as cancelling any unnecessary monthly direct debits like the gym membership we never made use of or cancelling all the extra sky TV packages we had. With all these small changes you really do start to notice a difference.

upcycling project
Simple upcycling projects have helped save us money

Present - we have been building on what we have learnt in the past, especially in the run-up to Christmas and the dreaded tax return. We have refined our weekly meals which include some frugal samples such as omelettes, simple salads and healthy pasta plus homemade baked treats. We do packed lunches on our adventures and we never do take-aways for financial and health reasons although we still treat ourselves to the odd meal out or coffee date.

When it comes to anything to do with the Home and Interior we have moved three times since having Mr A, doing up a property while living there and then moving on. We have learnt how to do more things ourself and how to budget for what we need professionals for. I have also developed a love for upcycling furniture which has helped keep the budget down. Again we have also been keeping on top of the bills, making sure all the lights are out in rooms we are not using and only putting the heating on when we need to.

healthy lunch
We are fans of the packed lunch    

We have also applied certain things to other parts of our life on a day to day basis. When it comes to travel, especially things like inter-city train and bus tickets, we always book in advance as it really saves money as well as using cutback sites when booking hotels and now tend to go for boutique budget hotels or self-catering options. We spend a lot of time outdoors at country parks, the seaside and local community farms which offer a whole days worth of adventure without any admission charges. With regards to fashion, we have also been taking advantages of the Sales and sourcing things on Ebay.

We have also become more savvy with regards to banking - I know it's not perhaps the most exciting thing to think about but you really can't ignore it, especially when you want to put some savings aside finding a bank you trust with a decent savings rate can be harder than you think. I have been with NatWest for years and they have just started a fairer banking campaign as in the past I have been enticed by new member specials only to be burnt with charges later on, while they are offering the same rates to both existing and new customers with no gimmicks or unseen charges. They also have a super useful budget calculator which is perfect for when you are trying to save up for something like a wedding, house or like us a new arrival.

Me enjoying the stylish interior of budget boutique Z Hotel, London

Future - we hope to make some investments in the future that will help secure some savings for our family and our children future. We hope to purchase some rentable properties but of course this is not possible now but hopefully by saving we can see this become a reality. I think the main thing is to get a good balance between living within your means as well as enjoying life and making sure you have some money saved for a rainy day. We are also making use of the NatWest Savings goal tool to help us make our future seem more of a reality.

In some regards I wish I have had more insight into things when I was younger although I have always been pretty sensible when it comes to money, John on the other hand not so much. Youth is a time of being fun and carefree although it would of helped little had I put more away over those year but I don't really regret anything easier, although they do say you can never be too young to save money and is something we will be encouraging our kids to do from a young age.

In association with NatWest
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Street Style Sunday - Beachside Casual

pregnancy fashion

Last weekend we decided it would be a good time to have one last break away being 38 weeks pregnant it would be our last mini-break for at least the next 6 weeks or so. We decided to jump in the car and head to Tenby in West Wales for a night and wow we were so lucky with the weather and had an amazing time exploring the coast, playing mini golf and running on the beach, at one point it was so mild we took our jackets off!

Of course it's been a little harder the past few weeks to find clothes that accommodate the bump in a comfortable and stylish way but these stretchy skinny black trousers from Mothercare are so soft and since I am a huge fan of black I have been wearing them a lot lately and paired it up with a Asos Maternity slouch tee and Ralph Lauren denim chambray, Timex watch and gifted snood.

pregnancy fashion
Laura wears Ralph Lauren chambray, ASOS maternity tee, Mothercare skinny jeans, Moorlands Boots

It was lovely to spend some quality time outdoors with the family, by the seaside and it's a strange feeling knowing that my body is going to be changing shape again over the next two weeks and there will be another readjustment period but I am looking forward to going shopping again.

Post overalls jacket
John wears a Ralph Lauren jacket and Post Overalls shirt jacket

John has been enjoying being able to layer light jackets this winter and paired up a thin Post Overalls summer jacket under a more durable Ralph Lauren winter jacket. We both thoroughly enjoyed our overnight stay in Tenby with the little man and we cannot wait to share what we got up to later this week.

Remember to come and join in with myself and the lovely Natalie and Kerri-Ann for Street Style Sunday linkup with anything fashion related from mood boards to what you and your family are wearing. You can also join in on instagram by using the #StreetStyleSunday hashtag.

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Thinking about getting a Conservatory? Top things to consider


Would love a space like this (image)

We live in a world were making the most of what you have is key and with most properties there is always space for improvement and what a better way to add value than bringing more light and space into your home than with a conservatory.

I have to admit, growing up in sunny South Africa it's something I never really would of considered before but then again the weather was far warmer there so there was less need for this kind of indoor/outdoor space. Although saying that after moving to the UK there is something really lovely about sitting in a glass conservatory, looking out across a wintery garden while keeping warm and toasty, reading a book and enjoying some peace and quite. Or if you have kids, spending some time playing a board game or enjoying a spot of tea and cake.

With modern advancements most conservatories are very well insulated, allowing you use it all year round and becoming an extension to your garden allowing you to feel closer to nature without the need layer up with scarfs and gloves and sit on the patio.

There are however things to consider when deciding on getting a conservatory and I thought I would share my top tips with you

Size – they really don't need to be very big but it should be fit for purpose, so have a clear idea of what and where you want the conservatory and for what reason, once you have a good idea mark out the size and shape on the ground, this will allow you to visualise what it's going to look like before signing on the dotted line.

Making a conservatory work in a big or small space (image)

Account for flooring costs – most conservatories are built on concrete with a tiled flooring, although adding a large rug or runner will add some cushioning under your feet it will still be very cold so take into account that having under floor heating may be needed and budget for that.

Planning Permission – good news is that most conservatories do not require planning permission meaning that you can add value to your home in a pretty straight forward and stress free way although do double check as from time to time councils can change their requirements.

You need to consider flooring options (image)

Insurance – as conservatories generally add value to your home you do need make your insurance provider aware of your new addition as any increase in your annual policy fee would be minimal but failure to inform them could make any future claims invalid.

Garden – it's been said that most people tend to spend more time in their garden after adding on a conservatory, maybe this is perhaps you spend more time looking at it than you did before, so considering a little garden makeover or improvement may not be a bad thing either.

Mr A enjoying some time in the garden 

Of course one of the most important factors when considering getting a conservatory is cost and with a lot of companies out there claiming to be the best value for money you do need to do a little bit of research. By going with a well established and accredited company such as Falcon Installations you are more protected should things go wrong, also they offer a something for everyone's budget and custom fittings, having that sort of flexibility is key with this kind of thing as every home and home owner is individual.

So if your looking at a fairly easy way to add value and create more light and space to your home than considering a conservatory may be the perfect option for you.

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Bringing Card design into the home


Like most people I appreciate beautiful design, art and anything creative and I don't know about you but when it comes to certain occasions when you require a card it can be hard to find something a little different and unique. So when I was asked to try out CardNest - a card subscription which curates a collection of 3 cards each month, sent to your home so you are never short of card for a variety of uses, I was really intrigued and didn't really know what to expect, but I have to say that I was very pleasantly surprised and have really enjoyed using the artist designed cards for various occasions.

quirky card

There is something really pleasing abut bringing beautiful design into the home and I am tempted to frame some of the cards as they are so cute and quirky and printed on high quality paper stock and would look lovely stuck up with some washi tape in a studio or office space. Best of all is I have a special code for Side Street Style readers to get 50% off their first batch meaning you can try it out for yourself for only £3.75 and you can stop or pause the subscription at anytime with no commitment. To give CardNest ago use SIDESTREET50
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Help get Cardiff on the Monopoly Map!



Wild Fig
Cardiff Millennium Centre  

Something very exciting is afoot an if you are anything like me and love board games then hearing about the new Global Here and Now Monopoly board being developed is great news. What is even better is you can vote for various cities to have a chance at being including on the board and I am over the moon to have been asked to represent Cardiff on the blogger front of things and with so many reasons to see this small but perfectly formed Welsh city on the global map this is a real honour.

Beautiful Cardiff Bay

So why should you vote for Cardiff? Well many many reasons

1. Well it may not be the biggest city but the people are very welcoming, love to have a laugh and are a very generous folk.

2. There is a great combination of urban lifestyle with all the Cafes and boutiques paired with the green outdoor spaces such as Bute park right in the heart of the city.

3. We have Castles! Cardiff Castle is right in the centre of town as well as one of our favourites 15 minutes out - Castel Coch, plus a few more dotted around here and there. This adds to culture and history of the city and is another reason why it's such a special place.

Castle Wales
Enjoying Castle Coch

4. If your into food your in for a treat as over the past few years there has been a real food revolution in Cardiff and visitors are really spoilt for choice. From drinking elderflower cocktails in Milgi Bar yurt to afternoon teas in Pettigrew and locally sourced slow cook delights in the potted pig there is something for everyone. Cardiff of course also has some top notch Coffee joints serving up Artisan brews as well as micro breweries making sure we stay ahead of the craft beer game. There is also numerous farmers markets, street fairs and food festivals happening throughout the year.

Pettigrew Tea Rooms
Cream Tea at Pettigrew Tea Rooms

5. Art and Culture - there are so many talented home-grown artists and creatives in Cardiff and with hubs such as The Cardiff Fashion Quarter where you can find unique handmade gifts alongside vintage clothing as well as the beautiful Arcades housing independent stores we take supporting local pretty seriously.

Cardiff fashion
Cardiff Fashion Quarter 

On top of all of that Cardiff is also a very family friendly city with tons to do from exploring Cardiff Bay, The Doctor Who exhibition, Techniquest to the Natural Museum and Art Galleries. There are so many positive things going for it, it would be amazing to get onto the Global Monopoly Here and Now boardgame and I really encourage you to take a minute to vote for the small but wonderful Welsh Capital, Cardiff at VoteMONOPOLY.com voting closes on the 4th March

Cardiff City

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