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Prints for the home

record print
Can't wait for this record print to arrive

As we have been working on the house in preparation for the new arrival and for putting it back on the market next year, the smaller details have been left to last, normally by this point our walls would have a lot more prints and work of art on it but as we don't want to make our livings spaces over personal, we have taken more time to be selective and just place a few prints in key areas to bring in some colour and art into our home. We recently ordered this cool print above from which we will of course hang in our little record nook. They have a great selection of framed art and photographic prints which would bring pop of creativity into any home.

framed art

We also recently came across a really great website that promotes up and coming artists in a totally wallet friendly way that allows you to have an original piece of art all under £100 and is appropriately named Original Art under £100. We are totally loving this Fox Bear Ballerina which is acrylic on canvas by the talented Edek Thompson.

bear print

We actually recently picked up a Silk Screen print by Jill Spence, a Bristol based Artists, from this website and is a beautiful limited edition silk screen print for the budget friendly price of £25. We also have our eye on this Paris print at the Tigerlilly Quinn shop - again another store with some super cute and quirky home and fashion pieces.

silk screen print

We were gifted the Jill Spence silk screen print 

Would you like to comment?

  1. Was the silk screen from the under £100 store? I love it! I'm also a huge fan of Tigerlily Quinn too!

    Hugs Michelle ||

  2. My favourite from your post is the Jill Spence print. So bright and happy. I love the cliffs in the back ground. It makes me want to go back to the beach!

  3. Love the selection of prints, the silk screen print is gorgeous! Laura x

  4. aww thanks for featuring the Paris print!! I'm really tempted by the sale prints in too! x

  5. These look great. I love the record one! I need some prints for Danny's room soon. Can't wait to shop for them! :-) x

  6. I love the print with the coloured hearts x
    Laura | A Life With Frills

  7. Love it! I'm always looking for new prints (just bought the 'smile' one above a few weeks ago) and love discovering new artists and designers. That record print is fab!


Lovely comments