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New Years Resolutions for the Home

bringing nature into the home

Well I cannot believe how quickly the past year has gone and how excited we are for the New Year, for many reasons but mainly because it's going to be bringing a lot of change as we expect our 2nd child and plan to put our house on the market as well as hopefully find a new project to take on. Of course this is if everything goes to plan and to be honest we are running a little behind on finishing the house and have decided that we need to put in place a few goals and resolutions when it comes to the home. I always think putting ideas to paper is a good thing and making realistic goals is important to keep on here is a little bit of what we have planned for 2015

1. Get organised - I am not talking about having a super clean and efficiently run home but rather being organised for the week and day ahead, knowing what we have to do and attempting to do it, I think this is vital with the new arrival on it's way and homeschooling Mr A, I know applying basic plans and organisation to our daily rhythm will mean a happier home all round.

2. Enjoy the kitchen - I love to cook and John loves to eat and Mr A also loves being involved but as life has become busier we have neglected our kitchen somewhat and regaining it as the heart of the home will only be a good thing and committing to enjoying a healthy and well made meal each and everyday will be of huge benefit to us all.

grow your own
We love spending time in the kitchen 

3. Getting rid of the junk and unnecessary - as many of you may already know I am a huge fan of the saying - less is more, in fact I think this can be applied to every part of your life and I always feel that after Christmas is actually the perfect time to do a "spring clean" especially as one has usually been loaded down with new presents - especially if you have children. I am a big believer is well made, good quality toys and have found that plastic has infiltrated our home a little bit too much of late and I am keen to get the balance right.

train set
Mr A's wooden train track 

4. Make time for upcycling projects - I have a few things that are in need of some TLC and time just seemed to get away from us the past year and making time to customise and redecorate what you have as well as see projects finished and bring something new to the home is a wonderful thing to do and well worth the effort as the payoff no matter how small can be deeply satisfying.

5. Bring in more colour - and basically have fun with our space. We really want the balance of functionality and family friendly to come together and are planning to redecorate Mr A's room as well as turn the little study into a nursery and finish the main bedroom and this will give us a great opportunity to inject some colour into our lives and year.

colourful home

What resolutions or goals do you have for 2015?

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  1. Mine are all home related goals too. In fact I made a list and am tackling a project a month in 2015 - just to keep me on track. I like the idea of making time for projects, we ended up buying stuff because we had run out of time to dig out stuff to recycle or up cycle and Mr A is swearing as I type about the desk he is still constructing. I think up cycling probably brings us more joy than flat packing!

  2. Ooh where are you planning on moving to? Exciting times ahead! We've just written a huge list of all unfinished jobs around the house and are trying to get them done as efficiently and quickly as possible :) x

  3. Ooh! Lots of exciting new plans for 2015! Happy new Year! xxx

  4. I did all of these things before Christmas; we must have got rid of around 50% of everything we own, and it felt GREAT. Looking forward to seeing the changes you make this year, I always love your home posts!

  5. i used to have one of those train tracks, i loved it! i hope you have an amazing year, laura :)


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