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Hibernation? Hibernot!

Outdoor adventures

Just a short little Country kids post this week as we have simply been so busy! Even though I mentioned in the blog post below that in the evenings I am spending more time relaxing and putting my feet up as I go into my 35th week of pregnancy, that doesn't mean that we are not having our daily adventures, especially since the weather has been dry and sunny (although very very cold) lately.

We have explored castles, the countryside, climbed fences, waded through deep muddy (snow melted) puddles and carried big sticks among other things this week and have also joined in with the Bitmums Hibernot challenge which encouraged families to get outside despite it being winter and it's been loads of fun.

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

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  1. Good luck with your pregnancy! Fab post girl!

  2. It is really cold at the minute but the kids don't seem to feel it once they are running around! Love the photo of your little one climbing the fence!

  3. Good luck with your pregnancy and such a wee cutie x

  4. Lovely photos of winter outdoor fun, I love that you are still getting out and about together at this late stage in pregnancy, it will keep you fit and healthy afterwards too. thank you for sharing your hibernot fun on Country Kids


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