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Protecting your home

mother and son

Over the past few years we have collected some great little pieces for the home and things that really represent us as a couple and as a family as well as many sentimental items that we would be heartbroken if anything happened too. Having grown up in South Africa I have always walked on the side of caution, making sure our front door is always locked and windows shut before leaving the house, keeping expensive items out of sight, not leaving my phone in view in the car as over the past few years both here and back in South Africa I have been the victim of minor crime. Luckily nothing too serious, mainly just phones being taken although I did have my bag stolen from my car and it contained my passports, camera and a few others things - luckily the passport was mysteriously popped through my letter box but I lost everything else and there is nothing more than that sinking feeling when things are gone.

cosy home

As with everyone it's important to feel safe and secure in your home and make it a place that is comfortable and full of lovely things that capture your personality and life. We have really enjoyed making our new home feel cosy and warm and would hate to see that rocked. The crazy thing is that no matter how secure we make our home we are all pretty lax when it comes to shopping and paying bills online and is now one of the most common ways of being affected by fraud. I unfortunately was affected myself recently when someone from Russia tried withdrawing money from my Paypal account, somehow they managed to hack in and attempt a withdrawal.

Luckily I noticed the transaction very quickly and had the money returned which was great but it didn't help make me feel any better about the fact that that person had access to my personal details such as my telephone number and address and that made me feel incredibly uncomfortable and violated. The thing is we can also do things to prevent crime online in the same way we protect our home by making sure things are locked before we go out - in other words good passwords, only using secure sites and always make sure you log out properly. There are some other great tips on the Natwest site as well as this handy "fight fraud tool" below, it's worth checking it out for 5 minutes and reminding yourself of the simple things you should do to help keep your home, processions and family safe.

In association with Natwest 

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  1. I used this tool a few months ago, it's so helpful. I learnt a lot! x

  2. I consider myself VERY lucky that I've never been a victim of fraud given how much money I spend online ;-)

    1. You must be doing something right :) I think so many people get affected

      Laura x

  3. This is a great tool, really useful tips for keeping safe too :)

  4. Glad to here that you got your money back! it is incredibly scary how hackers can get our info so quickly and easily :s thank you for sharing your tips and I hope nothing bad happens anymore! :) x
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    1. I know it's not nice being a victim of fraud - but it was all sorted in the end
      Laura x

  5. I've been lucky to never have my account tampered with. This tool looks really useful. x


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