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Outdoor fun and Picaloulou

free range childhood

We love some good outdoor fun and if you regularly read the blog I am sure you will have picked that up already. We had to skip our usual weekend adventure as the little man came down with a 24 hour bug which he has already bounced back from and we have again been enjoying the British countryside with all it's mud, puddles and fresh wintery air.

Boden Gilet
Mr A wears Boden Gilet, Picaloulou Jumper, Name it trousers

We decided as we were still in recovery mode to just take a simple stroll to our local park to kick the ball around and it also gave the little man a chance to wear his cosy Picaloulou knitted shawl jumper from the lovely people at Loubilou which has some amazing ethical products for little ones. Back to the jumper which is so beautifully made and best of all it's made in the UK, I am genuinely really impressed with this company which use organic textile dyes and hand knit their products.

outdoor fun

It was nice seeing the little man get back to his cheeky self and hopefully we won't have any more sick days this season, fingers crossed and we cannot wait for our annual Christmas day afternoon walk which I always look forward to as everything is so peaceful and quiet and I always feel by that time of the day it's nice to get some fresh air and walk off all that over indulgent lunch that we will of course partake in.

Cable knitted jumper

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  1. fingers crossed there's no more sickness for you all, love his hat!

  2. We love spending time outdoors too. Lovely to hear that your son is now feeling better and will be able to full enjoy Christmas! Beautiful jumper by the way! :) x

  3. That is such a cute hat, I wish I could get away with something like that! I hope you have a great Christmas x

  4. I love knitwear in winter! Cute hat too x

  5. ooh I've never heard of them! Love a good ethical children company and Mr A looks super cute of course! x

  6. Glad you're all feeling better and he is looking so cute in his outfit! Nothing beats a good walk to blow away the cobwebs. x

  7. He looks so cute in the hat! Hope you all felt better for Christmas x

  8. Mr A looks ace as usual - I love his jumper, there's nothing better than classic knitwear in winter!


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