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Farm fun in the winter sun

outdoor exploring

If it's dry you can usually find us outdoors exploring no matter what time of the year it is, in fact without our regular outings into nature I think we would both go stir crazy as it's such a simple pleasure and so very good for the soul. The other day we decided to pop down to a lovely community run farm - Amelia Trust farm, which is completely free and offers so many wonderful things to do, include roaming around a lovely herb garden and some allotments which had lots of beautiful chard growing, as well as the the farm animals, woodland walks and a pond perfect for pond dipping and of course the little adventure playground which is a favourite with the little man as it has a wonderful static tractor to climb and explore.

tractor fun

winter sun

Situated in the Vale of Glamorgan during the week it's very quiet, the one huge pluses of having Mr A at home. This time we decided to do the wild piglet trail which is a fairly easy walk through some woodland and we picked up many beautiful leaves and sticks along the way.


Amelia Trust farm

I always feel really lucky that we have such amazing places on our doorstep and so far the winter has been pretty mild and we have been taking full advantage of that. Hopefully we will be having lots more outdoor adventures this winter and hopefully one or two snow days as well (we love a goo snow day)

free range fun

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

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  1. Aww this look so fun! I love it when it's crisp and fresh outside but you're all layered up and toasty :p x
    | Life as a Petite || Fashion, Crafts & Lifestyle Blog | // International Giveaway

  2. We have a local farm that we visit regularly. We also tend to go off exploring no matter what the weather is like. Also looking forward to some snow days here as well (fingers crossed) x x x

  3. This looks like a brilliant day out. Little Man looks like he really enjoys exploring the farm and all it has to offer! I love the picture of him on the tractor, he looks so excited. Thanks for linking up with Country Kids.

    1. My pleasure - love linking up with Country Kids each week


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