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A festively fitting home

Christmas time

Christmas Day is nearly upon us, so now is the time to ensure your home is ready for the festive season. Whether it is your turn to host the party or you simply wish to revive your home – there are a number of things to consider. But, don’t worry – revitalising your home this Christmas doesn’t have to break the bank.

Plan for winter emergencies

Planning for any Christmas emergencies is crucial this year! From booking your boiler in for a service to creating a power cut kit and ensuring any draughts are kept at bay is really important this year. If you’ve noticed a winter chill coming in from your windows, it’s a good idea to invest in draught proofing sash windows before it gets any colder.

Christmas elf

Brighten up your home

Before winter is in full swing, set aside a little time to brighten up your home. Whether it is for the benefit of your guests, yourself or your family - adding both colour and warmth to your home will help you to brighten up each and every room even on the dullest of days. Asides from investing in a few new festively themed cushions and vibrant throws, it’s a good idea to sweep your chimneys and clear out your gutters before the ice and snow sets in.


If you’ve been thinking about a decoration overhaul for some time now, why not make it Christmas? Revamping your existing interior doesn’t have to cost the earth and there a number of vintage jumble sales taking place in the winter months. Alternatively, distress the likes of tables, chairs and sideboards to create a boho-style on a budget.

festive kitchen table
We decorate our table with what we have and customise using fabric thread

Focus on one room

If you haven’t got the time or the funds to redecorate the entire house (Christmas is an expensive time of year), focus on just the one room. If you’re hosting the annual Christmas soiree this year, choose the room your guests will spend the most time in. From glittering table mats, festive flowers to fairy lights draped from the mantel piece, adding a little festive spirit to your home doesn’t have to be a chore.

fresh flowers
Fresh flowers can bring a real festive feel into a room

Stay organised

Christmas, although an extremely exciting time, can be stressful – especially if you have an abundance of gifts to wrap, decorations to buy and food to prepare. The key is to stay organised – from writing lists to setting reminders – it’s important to ensure the festive season is as relaxing for you as it is for your family.

With these considerations in mind – this Christmas could be the best yet!

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  1. This all sounds wonderful, but currently suffering with the flu, I'd settle for a tidy house at the moment ;-)

    1. Oh no I hope you feel better soon Choclette

      Laura x

  2. I really envy your seeming organisation here. I always seem too busy and tired to decorate but this all loos so inspiring!

    1. Thanks so much Judith - we started early this year :)

      Laura x


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