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Surprising Bedtime Habits

bedroom love

I have to admit I really don't get enough sleep, I know this is a problem and something I really need to work on. As I do the most of my work in the evening I have fallen into the bad habit of going to bed late, even when I am not working I just can't seem to lay my head down early. Perhaps it's worst now as I know when the next baby arrives I will have to take any hours to sleep that I can. I found this infographic really interesting below as clearly I am not the only one who is not getting enough sleep and there are some really surprising bedtime habits causing people problems.

sleeping habits

If you are struggling with getting a god nights sleep and think it's down to your bed than there is an amazing giveaway on Life With Munchers blog to win a beautiful double bed from carpet right worth £299

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  1. I have recently started to struggle to get a good nights sleep which is very strange for me as i normally get to sleep fairly easily. I find fresh bedsheets and a good film in bed always works for me. X

    1. Thats a great tip as I always struggle as well - going to try that weekly and see if it helps :)

      Laura x

  2. Oh dear, I can so relate to what you say! I'm terrible. I get an average of 6 hours sleep a night, last night just 5! I really struggle to get to bed at night. In the week I aim to be in bed by 11pm but I'm just not tired at 12am or even 1am. I think it's my own fault - I've just got myself in to a terrible habit! Love the infographic. Amazing how truthful people are when answering questions anonymously! Tracey x

    1. Me too - I am in a bad habit at the moment and just don't seem to be tired at 12 or 1am so I just lie there awake - very annoying, I really need to address it!

      Laura x


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