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Cosy Home

Love lives here
Love is home - Love lives here

When you have been away, even just for a day it's a really nice feeling to be back at home surrounded  by the people you love and the things you hold dear and I think that it's even more comforting to relaxed with a blanket on the couch after a long day when the days are slowly closing in with winter on our doorstep. It's made me think a lot about what makes a home cosy and all those little things that add to it. Every now and then I love to put together little wish lists and mood boards and this is simply a very small - Cosy home inspired one.

handmade decor

How cute are these two pink Ceramic Birds
Could do with a pair of these beautiful felted slippers 
Keep your coffee cosy as well with this sweet cup cosy
Totally feeling the love with these two crochet heart coasters

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