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Puddles, spotter sheets and autumn inspiration

free range child

So since Mr A is learning at home we try to keep things as flexible as possible - we love being outdoors and autumn is the perfect time for seeing the changes of the season first hand as well as spotting different leaves, berries and wildlife. There seems to be so much change going on and it's always wonderful to get out into the fresh air and see it for yourself. 

nature spotter sheet

Luckliy it was quite mild as Mr A seems to get warm very quickly, even though I remind him constantly to keep his jacket on he has hit that age were he is adamant to make certain decisions and one of those being what he wears. At least he is finally wearing socks again, after our trip to the South of France he refused to wear socks for a month, so that is some improvement.

free range toddler

St Fagans, Cardiff

We collected a lot of fallen Autumn leaves and I have been putting together a few ideas on what to do with them and how to bring more Autumn inspired nature into the home...don't you love these simple crafts?

leaf lanterns
I love these warming leaf mason jar lanterns (image)
Autumn crafts
How cute are these leaf crowns (image)
easy autumn crafts
Love this simple leaf mobile (image)

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

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  1. Those lanterns are gorgeous. We've been out collecting leaves's a great season for finding out all about the changes and why they have to happen. I must use one of these crafts for our collected leaves!

  2. Elle is exactly the same with her coat. Whilst i am shivering away, she is running around in a tshirt! Did you make that leaf hunt poster or is it in a book? I love it and i know the girls would too x

  3. Love the leaf crafts. I can't believe how warm it's been lately, today was summer! x

  4. great leaf crafts! I always wonder what to do with the leaves Wilf picks up! x

  5. A great sheet for leaf identification. We really need to do one of these here for activity hour and the crafts are inspired too. Thank you for sharing on Country Kids.

  6. Haha, that socks thing made me laugh. Mr A is so sweet, I love his t-shirt. I love those leaf crafts, we've got a big pile of huge leaves at the moment, I just need to decide what to do with them before E tears them up or the cat eats them... x

  7. Hahaha, not wearing socks for a month. That made me laugh out loud. Elis is going through a phase of wanting to wear his Gruffalo slippers. Everywhere. The rain is making this quite challenging.

    The crafts look fab - I'm definitely going to give some of those a try. Where did you get your leaf fact sheet? It looks ace.

    Look forward to reading about your homeschooling times!

  8. I love the leaf lanterns. We have endless jars and leaves so maybe we'll give this a try. This seems to be a common theme with small children - they just don't feel the cold! I've been wrapping up and just choosing to ignore the fact that Talitha is still dressed for summer most of the time at her own insistence!

  9. Great photos-so funny about the socks! We love spotter sheets too. I love the leaf crafts. :-) x

  10. never thought to do things with leaves! love that pic with the chickens :)

  11. I love those Mason jars - very pretty!


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