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Creating a Happier Home

family life

Home really is where the heart is and even though we know we are selling the house next year and moving onto another project we have still been having fun making our house a home and enjoying the outdoor space with the little man. There are however things we can all do to make our homes safer, more efficient, relaxing and basically a happy place to be and the wonderful people over at Happier Homes have some great tips on how to do this.

fresh flowers

As some of you may already know I love having fresh flowers in the home and if I can't afford a fresh bouquet than simply having something that releases a beautiful scent is also perfect, in fact I wrote a little post about bringing scents into the home here.  Not only are scents a mood enhancer but are also tied to memories and we often recall scents when thinking of happy times. I have also been planning on getting some nice house plants to improve the the air within the home as plants not only produce oxygen but also filter the air and absorb toxins

Of course when creating a safe and happy home we also need to take into account sanitation and living in the UK we are really lucky to have all the basics put in place, unlike other countries and it's something we totally take for-granted. I know we as modern humans are very busy but I always make a point of making sure the toilet is clean and hygienic and did you know that if you flush the toilet with the lid open it can create a mist filled with bacteria so just by simply closing the lid when you flush can solve that. We also try and be conscious about our water consumption so check out these water saving tips. Another top tip of course especially coming into winter is to always wash your hands afterwards - I don't use anti-bacterial hand washes usually as it strips my natural oils but rather a moisturising wash that keeps my hands clean and soft at the same time.

Another thing we love doing as a family is recycling - this is something that is really important to us and Mr A loves getting involved and making sure everything is in the right bins and he really enjoys learning about what plastic, cardboard, class and aluminium can be made into after we have used it. We also enjoy crafting and using what we have to make something new such as our paper plate masks we made out of used (but clean) paper plates that were left over after a party.

toddler crafts
Our little paper plate mask creations

Lastly they always say the kitchen is the heart of the home and that is certainly the case with us. Mr A and I both love cooking, baking and basically experimenting in the kitchen and having fun, as well as growing our own vegetables. Lazy lunches, laughing, making tasty treats as well as failing sometimes but still laughing. It really does make our home a happy place when putting our meals together as a family.

Happy home
Happy moment....happy home

There are more tips on how to save water, energy and make your home a happier place over at Happier Homes who I am also happy to announce as my sponsor to Mumsnet BlogFest which is taking place next month - if you are there come over and say hello.

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  1. I agree with you that the home is where the heart is. I hope that you move goes well. I hate moving and having to make changes too.

  2. flowers are the best! and recycling is so important too.

  3. For me home is definitely where my heart is.

  4. I would love to have a kitchen that is big enough to be the heart of the home. This is what is was like when I was growing up, we always spent so much time there. x

  5. I LOVE those hanging indoor baskets & agree totally!

  6. Lovely post...making the most of and appreciating our homes really does have a huge impact on the overall atmosphere to your home life xx


Lovely comments