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Packing for a train trip to France

first class first great western train
Mr A and I enjoying our trip back from Brussels earlier this year

Well what an exciting month this is turning out to be - it's a double whammy on the birthday front as I turn 30 and the little man turns 4 and to celebrate the big Three Zero we are heading to France. First we will be staying in Paris for 2 short nights before heading down on the TGV to the South of France, where my Mother and Brother will be joining us in our celebrations at a stunning Villa from James Villas. Being on the road it exactly how I want to spend my 30th and couldn't think of anything better especially since I lived in Nice for 6 months before having Mr A it's going to be wonderful to go back and show both John and the little man around as well as explore Provence, hill side towns and the rest of the French coast.

This trip however is going to involved the longest day of travel we have taken with the little man as on our return we leaving in the 8am morning to do a 5 hour high speed TGV to Paris where we have to cross the city to the Eurostar terminal before heading back to London at 4pm - so pretty much a whole day of travel, something which is going to be an adventure in itself, so we have already started to think what to pack in Mr A's Trunki

Whats going in the trunki

First of all we don't have a tablet or iPad so we have to resort to old school methods of keeping the little man entertained. Luckily Days Out sent us a few bits and bobs recently which will fit perfectly into his entertainment pack such as animal stickers, Wheres Wally book, colouring and a craft pack to make a foam bag as we find he loves to have a mini craft project to tackle when travelling. As we are also homeschooling Mr A at the moment he really enjoys doing what we call "workbooks" such as the Gold star books so I got a travel learning pack as well as the educational Okido magazine which is filled of interesting facts and Mr A's current favourite - Storytime - a simple magazine filled with classic stories and it lighter than carrying loads of books around.

I always find packing a child's favourite toy brings familiarity to any situation and also helps with home sickness so this time Spike the soft Dinosaur is coming. Of course we also play things like I-spy but train trips often fly by pretty quickly with lots to see out the window.

I also thought I would share a spoiler of our stunning Villa - literally cannot wait to eat el fresco on the patio while the days wind well as laze on the beach

South of France

beautiful harbour
A lovely harbour in the South of France

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  1. I was away for my 30th birthday too. I spent it in an isolated settlement in the Falkland Islands. Memorable if nothing else! :-)

  2. I love his Dino! Hope you all have the best time! x

  3. Ah, my very favourite country and you're visiting my two favourite bits! Bon voyage x

  4. I never understand why people don't bring stuff to entertain their children - i mean if I'm bored after hours of train, how must they feel! lol The blue and yellow of the house is beautiful by the way!


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