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A little Llandaff stroll

natural family

 We discovered the Llandaff Circular walk last summer and it's one of those things we love to do on a lazy Sunday as we walk past the beautiful Cathedral, round onto the Taff trail and along the river, it's really quiet and peaceful and it gives us a chance to simply slow down in this busy city. The two boys always skim stones, while John skims the stones to be more precise which Mr A picks out the flats ones for him. We always find sticks to play pirates and picked some lovely blackberries in the hedgerows.

free range toddler

outdoor man

nature family

natural childhood

We go on lots of adventure Mr A and I but it's always extra special when John comes with us, he works long hours and gets home late so the 2 days off a week he has are precious to us. I love to step back and watch them in their boyish element.

cool kid

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

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  1. I wish I had done this same walk your way and not as part of a "ghost walk". It was beautiful scenery, best enjoyed in the day and without the supernatural commentary.

  2. Love this post and you guys as a family it's cute that you plan all these fab activities and get you're son involved. What great role models you both are x

  3. What an idyllic looking Sunday walk. Your photos capture the happiness of the afternoon so well. Family times like these are ones you remember in years to come. Thank you for sharing with me on Country Kids.

  4. Gorgeous pictures, I love a good country walk - always something new to discover! #CountryKids

  5. I love Sunday Walks like this, this looks like a perfect spot to visit

  6. We're always on the look out for new places nearby to go walking. We'll check this place out. Thank you!

  7. I love long lazy walks like this - Autumn is perfect for them so i'm looking forward to lots in my future! I love his cheeky face in the top pic!


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