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19 Weeks Pregnancy update

good hair

Well one more week and I will be half way through this pregnancy and only two weeks until we find out if it's a girl or a boy - time really does fly the second time around. The bump has grown even more - I promise next week to show you all. I am starting to look a little fuller in the face and have been struck with sweet cravings and paired with my birthday and the little mans this month I have to admit I somewhat over indulged...oh well. My hair is feeling thicker and fuller and I am enjoying wearing it down.

I also bought my first piece of maternity clothing in the form of an organic pair of leggings from H&M for the bargain price of £7.99 and oh wow they are seriously comfy. After some unexpected bills this pregnancy is going to be very much on the frugal side of things and luckily I still have a few pieces from last time, although mainly summery clothes but have also been enjoying looser tees I had packed away a while ago as well as a pair of jeans that the other half picked up for me in a size two big last year, plus most of my dresses are fairly loose and perfect for early maternity.

organic leggings

The great thing is if your on a budget like me you can often find vouchers online for H&M for things like free delivery or discounts at My Voucher Codes. There are a few other pieces I have my eye on in the maternity range like this winter parka jacket

maternity jacket

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  1. Oh I can't wait to see a bump pic :)

    The only maternity clothes I bought was a pair of jeans which only fit me for about a month :P I bought a pair of three quarter leggings (non maternity) which I wore under my maxi dresses to support my bump (and for some dignity when having scans!) but I've lived in 3 different maxi dresses over the last 4 months or so, it'll be nice to wear jeans and normal (non-ballerina-pump) shoes again :)

    Mummy Pixie

  2. Can't believe you're so close to the halfway mark already!!!


  3. It's going so quickly now! Hope you're feeling well! I was going to say that I wore dresses and leggings for pregnancy then remembered that I haven't stopped wearing them-oops! xxx

  4. I can't wait to find out what it's going to be (if you're sharing) and it does seem to be flying by! x

  5. Ooh exciting, wonder which flavour you're having? :)

  6. Looking forward to the bump pic! It's annoying not being able to buy much but so good that you still have things from last time.

  7. I bet those leggings will come in really handy. I love h&m maternity and New Look too. No point in buying expensive stuff when you are only going to wear them for a few months!

  8. pregnancy leggings! I remember how good they felt :) x

  9. going so quickly! love that top.


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