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Why working from home rocks

matching clothes

Of course with anything there are pro's and con's but there is nothing wrong with seeing the world in a half glass full kind of why and I mean of course there are some downfalls to working from home but also some amazing bonuses. For one I get to spend loads of time with the little man and we can even dress up the same should be feel the urge (see us rocking striped above) with no one to question it or we can start the day by rocking out to some Queen in the kitchen, or make dens in the bedroom.

polka dot pyjamas

Another major bonus is I can spend a lot of time in these bad boys (my pyjamas), of course I like looking nice but there is no mad rush in the morning which means I get to take my time and I also get to do some of my best work in the evening in these comfy PJ's which to be honest the evening is when I am most productive. I am normally a barefoot kinda girl as growing up in South Africa I hardly ever use to wear shoes so as far as I will go now is a funky pair of socks, although fairly tame in this picture but combining two of my favourite patterns at the moment - polka dots and stripes. You can see some other at-home pj outfits over on AXA who are running a fab competition to find the best Business Pyjamas

healthy chocolate brownies

One of the tastiest pro's about working from home is when I fancy a break and baking up something tasty and healthy like this natural sweetened date chic brownies I can, there is nothing stopping me indulging in a bit of kitchen time to get the brand working more creatively.

free range child

Another thing that I love about being self-employed is having your own ours and freedom to enjoy the outdoors when the sun is out, something which is very important to both the little man and I and one of the main reasons I work from home so we can indulge in our passion for the outdoors, nature and basically living life and having fun.

This post is in association with AXA

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  1. I do work form home part time (aka blog and watch the kiddoes) and you are right about all the things that make it nice to be able to do so. Enjoy ever moment..

  2. I'd love to work from home! Lovely post! x

  3. I couldn't agree more. Working from home absolutely rocks! Tx

  4. I'd love to work from home, maybe one day x

  5. I love working from home but at times it is so difficult. Especially when I have a huge workload and my 2 year old keeps shutting off my computer because I am not playing with her. But still wouldn't change it for the world.

  6. There are huge benefits to working at home (hard times too but good to enjoy the positives!). Love the Polka Dot PJ's! xxx

  7. I am so with you on the pyjama thing - and weirdly, I also do some of my best work in the evening. When the weather is this nice, there's always the temptation to wander off and potter about in the garden during the day!

  8. I agree I love working from home, although I find it hard to look after W at the same time, I think it gets easier when they get a bit older and can play by themselves but actually since dropping down a day at nursery I've enjoyed having him force me to break up the work day a bit and going out for a walk or something! x

  9. Yes to PJs and sunshine! I do have to scramble into my jeans to do the school run but I'm loving having more pyjama days now the school holidays have started. I did a full time stint earlier this year and I really missed the freedom of walking in the fresh air with my little ones. After working at home/for myself for all these years I find it really hard to give up the freedom and flexibility of being around my kids. For me, it's the best balance at the moment.

  10. mm, brownies! there are some definite huge benefits from working from home, but obviously negatives too ...especially if you're not getting much work. but the positives definitely outweigh the negatives :)

    ps. love your spotty pajamas!

  11. This is so true and something I think I forget to appreciate. I'm
    The type of person who is best in the morning for working as long as I'm up and ready early. I think I need to plan a summer list to make sure I'm doing all the fun things we like x

  12. This is so true and something I forget to appreciate! I'm good in the mornings if I'm up and ready early. I'm going to make a plan for fun daily activities so I know I'm making the most of working from home x


Lovely comments