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On a serious note - World Blood Donor Day

barefeet and flowers
I love the simple pleasures in life like grass under my feet

On a seriously note - we all love life, our family our friends, summer and being healthy but did you know 1 in 4 people will need a blood transfusions in their lifetime and with only 4% of the British population being blood donors thats a real scary thought. In theory someone in your family will be affected and need a transfusion and in my personal experience that statistic appears to be true as my mother has had two during both her c-sections as well as two cousins, my aunt and my grandmother and I really wonder what the outcome would of been without those amazing people who give up just a little bit of there time to donate and potential save numerous lives.

heart flowers
Hats off and big love to those who donate (image)

Like I said my mother had transfusions twice and it's still something that happens a lot in child birth and for those who don't know it was World Blood Donation Day earlier this month (14th June) and I really want to take my hat off to all those that are involved. Most people don't donate because of things like a fear of needles, fainting etc, some people like me can't for medical reasons but its something we should all really consider doing. I recently took part in a survey which they have made into an infographic which has some pretty eye opening facts, check it out....

Benenden Blood Donation Survey Infographic
Blood Donation Survey Results Infographic by benenden health

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  1. Wow some interesting facts there, I thought the number of donors was higher than 4%. I remember as soon as I was 18yrs old I queued to give blood as I had transfusions when I was younger and wanted to give back, only to be told I did not weigh enough - gutted!

    But I'm very appreciative of anyone that does go to the trouble.


  2. Really interesting facts here - My auntie always gives blood and I think I will too when I turn 18 - I am scared of needles though so I need to overcome that!

    Sarah xx


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