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Home Sweet Home

reading on the bed

So our home is nowhere near finished or how we would like it but when you have been away even the smallest things bring comfort to the soul, even the bed I have been wanting to replace for years has a familiar comfort that hotel beds simply don't have. It was a busy weekend to say the least at Britmums live and even though I really enjoyed meeting so many people it's great to be home (well for now) surrounded by the people you love and the little things that make you smile.

knitted rabbit

little buddha

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  1. That was the bit I picked up in your last post about being at home feeling amazing after being away! I guess in the same way that going out feels amazing after being stuck indoors for ages! x

  2. nothing beats home after being away!

  3. what a lovely room! love that bed too. we really need a headboard but they are so expensive, so we're just using old flattened cardboard boxes haha ugly.

  4. I had the exact same feeling when we got home from holiday :) x

  5. I love my own bed! Im house sitting at the moment for the in laws and the bed just isn't as nice, when we move I will have to get used to a new bed all over again, but at least this time it will properly be our bed!
    Two Hearts One Roof

  6. Yes, nothing like home sweet home. Love the top image! :-) x

  7. so much left to do in my house too but I do love my bed and can always relax there.

  8. aww you look so cute! I haven't read Juno for ages thanks for the reminder x

  9. It was so lovely to meet you at BritMums! Know what you mean about just being at home though, I went back to mine each night but was so glad to just hang out on Sunday and do nothing (amazing how exhausting it was considering it was a lot of sitting down and chatting really!) x


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