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More to Manchester than Football

Manchester print
I love this Manchester Print by Susan Taylor 

As the title says there really is so much more to Manchester than just football, not only has it fast become one of the most fashionable and trendy UK cities in the past few years but it's really defined itself as a must-visit hot post of the North and with so much going on you can see why.

Once seen as a rather depressing northern town it has completely reinvented itself into a vibrant and colourful city which seems to have it's finger on the button when it comes to trends and this can even be reflected in the fact more people are deciding to settle in the city as well as move away from London to the "Capital of the North"

So what makes it so amazing? Well I have put together 5 things to see and do in the city and believe me I could of written 50 things to do as you are really spoilt for choice but I think the following will at least peak your interest

corner house manchester

1. Check out the Culture Corridor that is Oxford Road - this is the place if your looking to for a culture fix with an array of galleries, museums and theatres on one street including the Cornerhouse and Whitworth Art Gallery you can really have the pick of the bunch.

2. Be on Cloud 23  - Enjoy amazing food and cocktails from the tallest building in Manchester - Cloud 23 can be found in the Beetham Tower which provides stunning views from it's floor to ceiling windows across the city. An great place to relax and socialise in style

Cloud 23 manchester

3. Go shopping and pick up something quirky from the Northern Quarter with it's clusters of independent boutiques, a youthful and inspiring part of the city where the street style is something else. You can also find some of the best places to eat int he Northern Quarter with hipster bars and coffee shops in every corner

Shopping manchester
Shopping in the Northern Quarter (image)

4. Get Outdoors in Manchester in one of it's many beautiful parks such as Heaton Park which lies 4 miles from the city centre and easy to get to via public transport and has a wealth of things on offer such as farm and animal centre, boating lake, three cafes, large playgrounds, tram museum and an historic hall.

outdoor space manchester
Beautiful Heaton Park (image)

5. Go Lego mad - if your travelling with kids to this fast paced city than don't fret, check out Legoland Discovery Centre, the perfect place for them to let off some steam no matter what the weather.

With great travel connections and easy accessibility by rail, plane or train there is really no reason to not book a trip up north and see what all the fuse is about first hand. Check out Hotel direct which  has an amazing selection of hotels to suit every budget from simple to stylish. The city is a great place for a quick break away and if you have not been don't delay as Manchester is really an exciting place to be right now and best of all it's right on our doorstep.

This post contains a sponsored link but words are 100% our own

Would you like to comment?

  1. I absolutely love that print! Its lovely.

    xxx | daisydaisyxxo

  2. We haven't explored Manchester much yet, we really should though!

  3. I've only ever visited Manchester a few times, and both when I was young and irresponsible and visiting my friends sister at Uni there. But we always had such fun! I would love to visit and see if through (sober) adult eyes!

  4. i've wanted to go to manchester for years! it's on the very long list of places (in the uk) i'd like to go.

  5. I've never been to Manchester even though I've had friends live there. I would love to visit Cloud 23, looks really cool x

  6. I recently went to Manchester with my sister to look at the uni, I was really taken with it! x

  7. I recently went to Manchester with my sister to visit the uni, I was really taken with it! x


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