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Life lately....

Polenta cake

It's been a while since I have done an instagram post lately and thought I would share all the simple pleasures and adventures we have been getting up to of late. The weather has been blissful which has meant being able to get the boat shoes out, have also been enjoying lots of coffee and cake dates with the little man, Polenta cake being a hit at the moment

kitchen love

We have also been trying to make the house more a home - we still have a long way to go as everything still looks a bit empty but we are slowly getting there for example with out little diner nook in the kitchen and also picked up these cute ikea tumblers for 50p each! We have also been enjoying baking some apple cake and breakfast pancakes

fresh apples

Mr A and I have also been spending lots and lots of quality time together and he is getting cheekier with each passing day and by the looks of this photo I think he knows it

Would you like to comment?

  1. You two are so adorable in your matching blue and white stripes! xx

  2. From that one picture your house looks beautiful and the food got me all hungry x

  3. I love the pattern on this glasses x


  4. I love the glasses, such an easy way to add a pop of colour :) The food looks delicious, now I really want some cake! x


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