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Solving an interior challenge with a bedroom makeover

After doing a social media shout out to my followers and having a great response, I was really excited to be working with young couple Rhian and Gareth, who have only recently moved into their first home and need some help in turning their uninspiring bedroom into a place that showcases their personalities and brings a little bit more style and colour into their home.

They are planning their wedding later this year and have no budget to do anything with their bedroom which made the makeover that little bit more special. I discussed with them what they wanted to achieve and we put together and inspiration board of ideas. We also discussed simple storage ideas as there was a little bit of an issue with clutter.

“By simply organising books and beauty products into stylish storage cases it really makes the room feel more streamline and spacious.”

bedroom makeover
Bedroom before the makeover

We were really excited to see what we would find at HomeSense and went in with an open mind and ended up being really spoilt for choice. The main focus of the room was of course the bed so we went with stylish designer bedding that had a lovely Moroccan style print which is a huge trend this season. Some new pillows and cases were also purchased, as well as a chic new lamp, storage boxes, a vase, candles, picture frames and books to add those personal touches.

bedroom makeover
Stylish bedroom after the makeover 

Overall the bedroom look really fresh and inviting and all the pieces worked really well together. It brought in some colour without clashing and created a sense of order and calm in the room. Rhian and Gareth loved the experience and found HomeSense to be a real treasure trove of unique and inspiring pieces.

Next week, I'll be spending an afternoon at my local HomeSense store in Cardiff, so pop on over to my HomeSense Inspiration Day on Tuesday 29th April between 1-3pm! You can also see the article on Huffington Post 

Rhian was really happy with the results

Love Chic Living and Love Your Home

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  1. Love the film Laura, you chose some lovely items, particularly love the bedding and the industrial style lamp. A great success! #LoveYourHome

  2. Nice post, i hope everyone will like your post..

  3. Awesome post, thanks for sharing this post..

  4. love love love it! I want that lamp! x

  5. Love the lamp, the small details make all the difference! x

  6. I love that bedding...I really need to get some new bedding and that looks so colourful. You made a big difference!

  7. Ah, that's brilliant! Did you feel like you were on Changing Rooms?

  8. What a fun thing to take part in! And yep, i adore that lamp too!


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