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Keeping the inside happy

healthy body

I know personally that if something is off balance I feel uneasy and it can effect my self confidence, even if I'm having an amazing hair day or out in the sun, if your not looking after yourself from the inside out you will feel it. I always try and eat healthy although with my workload recently this has taken a bit of a hit and I know I really need to get back on track. John also suffers some what may possibly be IBS or Gluten intolerance and I know if he could get the balance right how much better he would feel, it's something that has been going on for all the years we have been together and for most part he has chosen to ignore it, although enough is enough and only recently through some supplements and change of diet is he starting to see an increase in energy, mood and better digestive help.

Digestive balance

I personally take a Vegetarian Omega 3 and a Garlic supplement every day, I feel that they simply add a little boost to my overall wellbeing and immunity. My mother has been taking Bimuno IBAD and now John is considering using it as helps to encourage and sustain good bacteria in the gut and has been getting some very positive reviews. I also find with these sorts of things that I like to read actual peoples experiences and I know after my mother who was terribly ill last year with Pneumonia which spread to her stomach (yes I didn't know that could happen either) and brought on IBS that IBAD is help her regain some normality again, which is similar to an article I read about in the Daily Mail.

healthy snacks
A healthy balanced diet is key

Of course supplements are not replacements but I think if you eat healthy and stay active they can add to your overall health. I just keep reminding  myself daily to drink more water, aim for my 5 a day and preferably more, get outside and be active at some point every day and to look after myself physically, mentally and emotional as life it too short to feel off balance.

toddler fun
We are hoping for a active and happy summer 

This post is in association with Bimuno IBAD but words and opinions are 100% our own

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  1. I'm a Holistic Nutritionist & we focus on the health in the gut. At least it's one of the main ones. Thanks for sharing! & Yes, omega-3 is a great staple supplement in this house as well :)

    1. Hi Rachael

      Thanks so much for stopping by the blog, so great to hear from you, yes Omega 3 is great :) as is good digestive health :)


  2. Great post - since I had my gallbladder removed I've not been great with my digestion. This sounds perfect for me

    1. Hi Michelle
      You should give them a go they really help my mother after an illness brought on bad IBS

      Laura x

  3. Great post! lovely pictures, good ideas and helpful tips.



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