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Reflections of the day

We are back from London and back to the typical Welsh weather - Rain,  I think this photo captures the mood today

toddler style

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  1. Ah! Wet wales!! I'm looking forward to going home tomorrow!!

  2. what a cute photo! it's actually been nice today. we went to canton (to chapter) earlier, and almost every time i go there it rains! not today luckily :)

  3. I saw a headline in the paper yesterday that said we are due to have a heatwave this Spring, my fingers are crossed! x

  4. He is adorable. Love his jumper.

    It's been better here although rain remains. We are getting bursts of sunshine and blue skies, which I'm so, so thankful for. I'm ready to put this winter behind me.

  5. love his little moccasins! glad you had a good break though!


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