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A beautiful place to close your eyes

How amazing would it be to wake up here (image via Pinterest)

There is nothing better than a beautiful bed to lie down on after a long day, it's a place where we spend a lot of our time so surely investing in it's comfort and visual appeal is not only good for your physical wellbeing but also your soul. I could spend all day looking online at beautiful beds and inspirational bedrooms, especially since we are in desperate need of a new bed ourselves. As a family we have long outgrown our bed as the little man still jumps in between us mod nights and a double is just not cutting it anymore, a king size I feel is the only way to go.

minimalist bedroom
Simple, beautiful, practical

There is so much choice and so many different types of style's. Personally I love vintage french metal beds or vintage inspired in an old victorian house, but in a clean, scandi-design flat I also like the minimalist look. Since we are in currently living in a cottage that is more than 100 years old but has combined original elements with some modern touches it has made making our choice more interesting. I have been looking at stores like Timeless Beds to see what is on offer

classic bed

At the moment I am currently feeling a solid metal and brass bed like the Limelight frame above, so just need to keep putting the pennies in the piggy bank and as soon as we have enough the great thing is it's a Next day Bed which means it can be delivered the very next day - bonus! So in need of something big and comfy to rest my weary bones.

cosy bed
I love the personal touches (Image via Pinterest)

I feel once we have the bed in place we can really start to decorate our main bedroom, which will be very exciting as we are in the middle of redoing the bathroom and painting the little mans room and then we get to treat ourselves with a little simplistic homely make-over. As there really is nothing better than a cosy and comfortable family bed.

John and Mr A taking a midday break from it all

This post contains a sponsored link but words and opinions are 100% our own

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  1. The first room is incredibly beautiful, I love it! Also what a wonderful picture for you to have of John and Mr A!

  2. Oh yes, bed is one of the most important pieces of the furniture for us.
    We wish for a bigger, more modern one, but no space for it in our bedroom :-(

  3. I love reading home interior posts, especially bedroom ones! I sway towards more of a vintage/french style atm, I'd love a white wooden ornate bed, they're so expensive though! Love the photo of John & Mr A, absolutely adorable (:

    L x

  4. We have a king, still not big enough! Thinking of changing to a super king size!!

  5. I would love a massive window like the one in your first photo to have my bed next too x

  6. oh how i'd love at least one room with a huge window like that!

  7. love that pictures of your boys asleep together! x

  8. Love the light in the first picture, how amazing. And that lamp in the second one is pretty ace!

  9. love the first bedroom! wish mine was like this


  10. Omg, love that cute sleepy photo! This post reminds me that I want get some bunting going above our bed.

  11. Firstly that photograph is ridiculously lovely! We're in the process of hunting for a new bed so these are great, but seeing as Rob is 6ft 6" we can never get a bed with anything at the bottom, meaning lots of the lovely metal framed beds are a no no!

  12. i would love to have a room soo light and airy at the moment im squashed in box room till we find a bigger home with some me space x


Lovely comments