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New Years Resolutions and Vegan Love

New year resolutions
 (image via Free People)

So it's that time of the year we reflect on the past and see how we can improve the future. I always think it's important to have realistic goals otherwise you can often set yourself up for failure so I have gone for simple steps to try and make 2014 a happy and stress-less year.

1. Go Vegan - I am a dairy free veggie and I have a passion for healthy vegan food so this seems kinda obvious. The goal is to go vegan for a year, but why not join in with Veganuary and do it for the month of Jan?

2. Go to bed one hour earlier each night - I know that having an extra hour in bed would do my emotional and physical well being wonders.

3. Get organised - moving house has thrown everything up in the air so getting back to being organised is one of my main priorities

4. Drink loads more water - water is the original super food, it does your body wonders and I never get enough.

5. Look on the Positive side - we had a lot of stress last year, on top of a house move, so there is always a positive to a negative I just need to see it more.

So I have of course already embarked on my Vegan journey with a light cleanse - although before this I treated myself to some healthy multi-grain pancakes made from Buckwheat flour, Wheatbran, Oatbran, cut up apple, sunflower seeds and a dash of maple syrup - so good.

Multi-seed pancakes

For the past three days I have been concentrating on simple and light healthy meals such as salad and brown rice with veg, as well as lots of herbal teas and I can already feel the difference.

healthy food
Kale, kidney beans and brown rice bowl

simple green salad
A simple green salad with lemon dressing

South African tea

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  1. Ooh, that food looks yummy. You've inspired me. :-)

    Happy New Year!


  2. I could do with going to bed earlier recently but I just can't do it. It's quite strange actually, a few months ago I was the opposite.

    Make sure you share plenty of vegan recipes for us!

  3. I need to look on the bright side of things! It is something that I have trouble doing & I thought about being vegan! It would certainly be a challenge, have you ever thought of being fully raw?

    xo. Kailagh

  4. All the best with your new year resolutions. The Kale, kidney beans and brown rice combo looks yummy.

  5. Those pancakes look delish, thanks for the idea! I'm a vegetarian who only eats cheese/dairy once a week and I recommend avocado's (you can use them to make things creamy like 'cheese' cake apparently), sweetened (fortified) soya milk, The whole Sheese range, peanut butter (for savoury creamy sauces) miso soup, and flapjacks. Independent veggie deli's and the Free-from isle in big supermarkets are really useful for vegan stuff. Also Asian (Vietnamese, Thai and Southern Indian) cookery books are an amazing resource xx

  6. Nice short list that's do able. Happy new year to you.

  7. Good luck with all your goals I need to drink more water and look to the bright side more:) x


Lovely comments