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Swans, bikes and outdoor fun before 2014

toddler outdoors

So we managed to squeeze some more outdoor fun this week, even with the on/off rain showers. In fact we have a pretty action packed week, with bowling, games, feeding swans and discovering a new cycle path we have not let the weather stop us. We managed to borrow my mothers car and scooted over to Roath Park, which we have not been to in a while and is always a treat. This time round Mr A was not at all fazed by the huge swans and kept putting out his hand for them to peck (he had thick mitts on so found this very amusing)


It was one of those beautiful wintery days, very cold but we were wrapped up well and Mr A has been putting his Scandi Ocean waterproof suit through the run - I cannot recommend having one of these suits enough, the kindergarten Mr A goes to spend time outdoors no matter hat the weather and recommend getting one of these from waterproof world. It comes with fisherman style dungarees which adds extra warmth and fits over trousers and unlike snowboarding jackets is complete waterproof and doubles up as a windbreaker as well.

Natural childhood

I love outdoor spaces that offers a bit of everything - Roath Park has the lake, swans but also a lovely rose garden, a wild forest section with bird houses on the trees and of course a play park, but our favourite place is exploring the forest section of the park.


We also had fun cycling on a new cycle path which was really fun as we love to explore new areas and this is not too far of a car drive from us and I am sure we will make full use of it's rural feel during the warmer months. It runs through fields and we managed to spot some ponies and sheep, which is always fun.

natural childhood

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

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  1. Such great photos from your outdoor fun! Mr A's suit is ideal for the wet weather we've been having recently - as you say it doesn't stop play. There's nothing more refreshing than a crisp winter morning to blow the cobwebs away. We hope you have a wonderful christmas and wish you all the best for 2014, thanks for linking and sharing with Country Kids.

    1. Hi Fiona, thanks so much :) Yes his suit has been so useful during this wet winter

  2. Loving the overalls, they look perfect for a young explorer in the wet. We have had some lovely sunshine between the showers too, a great chance to get out and about. Looks like plenty for a young explorer in that park! Thanks for lining up and Happy New Year!


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