some posts may contain affiliate links, i may recieve a commision on them at no extra cost to you.

Trans Siberian dreaming and Sponsor Love

So lately we have been thinking a lot about the Trans Siberian railway, it truly is on our MUST DO list, and we cannot think of a more amazing adventure than going all the way from our front door in the UK to Japan. We recently read an article about a family with three young children who embarked on this exact journey and it has only further inspired us to want to do the same. I have always been a huge fan of train travel and have done a lot around the UK, Europe and South Africa with my longest journey being around 14 hours which is nothing to 7 days but we are always up for a challenge. Lots of saving will be involved but for now dreaming, visualisation and inspiration will keep our thoughts focused….

Russian train
I love this beautiful red Russina Transiberian train

Train adventure

Russian landscape

Snowy adventure

We also have some amazing sponsors on the sidebar and wanted to showcase these creative bloggers who all offer something interesting and unique, so top by if you have a chance….

Cute couple

A big welcome to Becky and Caleb from Two in Love - a lovely little lifestyle blog filled with crafts, photography, records and fashion from a creative couple.

I asked Becky why did she get into blogging and whats been the best thing about it so far and if she had any secret tips, this is what she said...

I started my blog as a way to document the adventures and the love my boyfriend and I share. I also really enjoy fashion and photography and have always wanted a way to share my style inspiration with the blogging world!  One of the best things about blogging is the new people I get to meet! I've made so many amazing friendships and I have learned so much about blogging through each of them. The blogging community is a great thing to be part of. I think the best tip I could give is to be yourself! There are so many different blogs on the internet and you have to be unique! Also blog because you love it and if it starts to feel like a chore take a break. You can also follow Becky on Bloglovin and Instagram  

design blogger

Next up is Christina from Polka Dot Heart. She is a California girl who has a real eye for design and also runs a super fun Sunday Social Bloghop which is a great way to meet other bloggers.

I also asked Christina to shed some light on her blog….

Hi my name is Christina and I live in Northern California. I was born and raised in Southern California and moved up north in 2008. I started blogging as a way to write down my thoughts and hopefully meet new people! The best thing about blogging to me is that I get to meet fellow bloggers and voice my opinion and have a log of my life (sort of?). Since blogging, I have also joined a couple of message boards and the message boards + blogging has given me the opportunity to meet some of my fellow bloggers offline. Some of my great friends, I met through blogging. I love web design as well and just recently got back into it. You can follow Christina on Bloglovin and Twitter

cute family

Meet Nicole and her lovely little family from the blog Feisty Mom. Her blog is filled with using, practical and creative tips on family crafts, being frugal and making your money go a long way with some tasty and cost effective recipes, which is why I love reading her blog so much and love having her on my sidebar. Most of Nicoles home decor has been crafted or up cycled, giving it that unique homely feel and shares all her projects on the blog. You can also follow Nicole on Twitter


Say a big hello to Belinda from Found Love Now What. She is a fellow expat (although from the US, I'm from South Africa) also living in Wales! I was in love with her travel inspired blog at the first visit and I am sure you will be too. Originally from Washington, USA, Belinda started her blog in August 2012 as a way to make sense of her new married life in Wales. She believes in high heels, captivating books, photography, seeing the world and laughing with her new husband - a great way to view life I think! She loves testing new pins from Pinterest and check her out on Twitter as well :)

Would you like to comment?

  1. That would be amazing to ride on that train. How romantic it seems. Love that is on your Must Do list:)

  2. I love the look of the train, the little curtains and flowers in the window. I also would love to go to Japan and trip via train would be amazing!

    A big hello to the lovely ladies above too!

  3. I've always been intrigued by the Trans-Siberian railway too. Would love to go on a trip on it too.

  4. Hope your dream will come true one day! I am Russian but never did this train trip in my life, the longest train trip I had was 2 days I think, with lots of stops, which allowed people who live in these small town to sell stuff,and other passengers joining in, customs checking passports, long toilet queues etc it is exhausting but i guess it will worth it))

  5. Great Post !!!
    greets from manchester


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