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Exploring Pastures New

cute toddler

As you may no we have recently bought a house, not a longterm house, a bit of a project that we intend to improve over the next 1-2 years and then move, as we are still outside our desired area. Work has already began on the house - plastering, new carpets, painting etc as well as getting a head start on our garden, which the little man has enjoyed a lot, although it's also been important to get out of the house as the lack of routine is starting to get to the little man. We discovered a little park not far from us, it's very simple, with only two swings and a slide, a little unkept but perfect for kicking a ball about and looking for little beasties. In a way it's perfect as we rarely visit a park for the play part of it, we enjoy the more natural aspects of green spaces such as jumping in puddles, kicking leaves, hiding behind trees
and basically running around enjoying the freedom and space in the fresh air.

park life

We stayed in the park until is started to get dark, which I cannot believe was around 5pm (I will never get use to British winters). Our outdoor time is essential to our daily lives, it really is the best leveller, even when the plasterer doesn't turn up for 3 days, fresh air is the best way to relax and put things into perspective.

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

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  1. Lovely photos. I absolutely agree, exploring the outdoors and being with nature is the best for feeling good and putting things into perspective x

  2. I can appreciate getting a little stir crazy from being cooped up all day, I NEED to get out at least once a day for some fresh air and to clear my head. It's just as important for children's development to get out and play and connect with nature. Lovely photos as usual particularly the last smiley one, thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.

  3. Lovely photos. I know for myself as well, if I am stuck indoors all day I begin to get restless. Even getting outside for a walk is necessary to keep calm and level. And during the winter when it is barely light when I leave for school and dark when I return home, finding time to enjoy the outdoors is difficult.

  4. lovely photos! can't beat some fun at the park, we havent really been enough with it being winter. should just wrap the kids up and go anyway!

  5. Beautiful photos, it looks like he is having fun xx


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