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Staying true to you while bringing up a baby

staying true to you

Having a child really is the most amazing life changing experience, of course always for the better, although everything about your life prior to baby can seem like a completely different world. Usually one of the parents will take the role of stay-at-home mom/dad and that person will know more than anyone else that life will never be the same, it's go go go all the time and sleep becomes your ultimate luxury.

If your not careful you can start to loose yourself within all of these changes which can sometimes leave you with resentment for the other half who gets up, goes to work without any worries of who is going to look after the child and gets to speak to other adults, not just a baby or toddler who thinks aiming porridge at your head is very funny. Of course you do get all of the amazing benefits such as being there for every milestone and seeing your child grow, which really is the most priceless gift, but every now and than everyone needs a break, if only for 10 minutes to have a cup of coffee.

cup of coffee
A 10 min cu of coffee can be a saviour

Being an independent person myself, having done extensive travel before settling down with John and always being happy within my own company, born with a real wanderlust personality, I have found that it's important to make sure you have a middle ground of satisfying your own needs and the needs of your child, a balance that needs to be struck with all parents. I have put together some tips on how to keep that balance

I love being a mum

Don’t lose sight of what makes you you – If you like running, swimming, watching movies at the cinema or going to festivals, don't stop doing them, just realise that you may have to do them less. The best thing is now you have a little person to share your hobbies with, it's really is not hard to get a toddler/child involved with sports/crafts/travel etc, this year alone we've taken the little man camping twice and he asks all the time when are we going to go again.

Family festival
Mr A and I at a music festival this year

Keep socialising – if you have friends who don't have children that doesn't mean you need to stop socialising with them, it's really important to keep in touch with the important people in your life and having an adult conversation with someone really does keep your sanity levels down.

Make new friends – having a child is also a great excuse to widen your circle of friends, go to baby classes, try new things, find local coffee mornings. It's a great leveller to have something in common like children as parents are usually more than happy to share there experiences.

Don't change your whole wardrobe just because your a mum/dad. You don't need to suddenly dress in a different way because your a parent, if you like to go for rock chic, preppy, vintage or on-trend fashion and it makes you feel good than keep rocking the look you love.

Enjoy the little moments

Indulge in a bit of “me” time – it's really important to pamper yourself every now and then because you really are worth it. Even if it's something simple like a long bath, making time to read a book, crafting, shopping or even a spot of online gaming, keeping in touch with friends online, showing off your beautiful baby on my private and personal social media accounts

John and I enjoying a rare night out

Make goals, keep active and do something for yourself – for both John and I the blog is a creative outlet, something we are control of and a great way to document our little family. It's a place we can set goals, network with others and be inspired and I think it's important to have something like that in your life to break up the boredom of laundry, house cleaning and food shopping.

Always remember to have fun

At the end of the day a happy parent is a happy child and a happy home, so keep doing what your soul loves and at the end of the day we only have one life, so make it a good one.

I have joined this post up with #FundayMonday link

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  1. I love the pic of your little guy at a music festival in the wagon! So cute!
    Penniless Socialite
    <a href="> Jewelry Giveaway!</a>

    1. Hi Tara

      Thanks so much for the lovely comment - the festival was great :)

      Laura x

  2. Hi there, I found you via Molly Stillman's blog! I just wanted to say, I enjoyed your post. And I think your advice can be applied to parents with children any age. I let myself be a "mom" for a long time and now that my daughter is a teen, I'm trying to go back to 'me' from before. It's harder now that I'm older, but I'm slowly getting back. It might be a cultural thing in the states too. But, it's nice to see that you are staying true to you whilst still being a great and involved parent. PS. Love London, my husbands from there and adore Bethnel Green, miss it lots.

    1. Hi Justiss

      Thanks so much, so glad you like the post and for your lovely positive comment :)

      Laura x

  3. This is something I'm learning to deal with at the moment - I have a four month old so am just beginning to feel like a human again, let alone like 'me'! The most difficult thing I've found is clothes. When I was pregnant I couldn't wait to get back into my pre-pregnancy wardrobe. But I've found my dresses are generally not suitable for a) rolling around on dusty community centre halls for things like baby yoga and b) being able to get my boobs out! Think I'm going to have to hit up eBay and the charity shops!

  4. You are one beautiful family !


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