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Wild and Free

street style
Dream on Dreamer - tee from Glamour Kills

Until recently I hadn't heard of Glamour Kills, an independent clothing company from the US, but after winning a $50 voucher from a twitter comp, I couldn't wait to learn more. I love the youthful designs, that are unique but also very wearable and fit my personal style so well, so I went for this cool tee and wooden bracelet with the words "Wild and Free" - something I always inspired to be and something I really want my son to live by.

Boho ring
Wild and Free

During the week I also picked up a lovely necklace and ring from at sale at New Look. I try to buy things that are going to last or are ethical but with it being a heavy month of bills, it was great to find some beautiful bargains to brighten up my accessory collection.

biker chic
Necklace - New Look, T-shirt - Glamour Kills,  Jeans - Diesel, Jacket - Thrifted, Watch - Guess, Shoes - Peacocks
Most days I am pretty busy with the little man so trying to find the balance of attempting to be stylish, while keeping my own personal style and being practical, as running around after a toddler means you need to have fairly comfortable and durable clothing. This outfit is a real mix of new and old pieces and with Autumn coming it means more jackets and layering. Mr A is also rocking his little Joules rugby shirt which over the summer he didn't get some much wear it's great seeing him get some use out of it.

stylish family

stylish toddler
Rugby top - Joules, Trousers - H&M, Shoes - Clarks

Joined in with MondayFunday and Monday Bloom linky 

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  1. Love the top, looks so cool and really suits you

    Please come check out my latest post if you have time :)

    Fragile Bird |



  2. Hi Helen

    Thanks so much for stopping by and the lovely comment :)
    Will check out your blog for sure

    laura x

  3. you are such a cool mama! Love your ring!

    Thrift and Shout

    1. Hi Lindsey

      Thanks so much for the great comment :)

      Laura x

  4. Absolutely beautiful photos!! You two look gorgeous. :)

  5. If a tee has to have words on it ... that's a great thing to say. You make this look so effortlessly cool. Great mom outfit with just a little edge. Adorbs, the both of you!

    1. I know that's what i was thinking, I usually don't wear tees with words but these are perfect words for me

      Laura x


Lovely comments