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Happiness is....

toddler running

For us personally, happiness is spent outdoors with the little man, happiness is, in a nutshell running barefoot across a field as the season changes from summer to Autumn, it's our special time and I want to hold on to it forever. I am feeling particularly nostalgic at the moment as it's my (Laura's) birthday weekend, only one more year and it's the big 30, it's also my son's 3rd birthday this month, so it's pretty much all go in the household at the moment.

Autumn shades
You can really start to see the Autumn shades come out

When my mother asked what I would like to do this weekend for my birthday, with the usual suggestion of going out to eat somewhere nice, I instead opted for a picnic/walk in Roath park with the family, as not having a car at the moment has made me miss the parks we usually explore but are now a bit further away and harder to get to without reliable transport. The weather has suddenly got a lot colder, with a fresh bite in the air, but with the sun out, I couldn't of asked for me. Mr A is really keen on climbing trees of all shapes and sizes at the moment and we have been picking up acorns for our natural table at home

tree climbing

birthday cake
My mini smarties b-day cake

We had a lovely impromptu cake in the park, with some lovely brie and salad sandwiches before heading over to the Conservatory which is a lovely feature of Roath Park as firstly it's warm (really warm) and houses lots of amazing flowers and plants, plus huge fish and terrapins, plus a few little robins here and there. Mr A loves going to it and literally ran across the rose garden straight for the greenhouse. It's such a peaceful place, with the sound of water from the small indoor waterfall and even though it's very small they have used every inch of the greenhouse to full effect.

happy child



My brother and Mr A watching the fish

I really could not have asked for a better way to spend my birthday, than outside with my family, it really is what makes me happy and I am also really enjoying the change in the season and having to update the nature table accordingly, which is starting to come along a bit now

Adding acorns to our natural table

Every week we join in with the lovely Country Kids linky, if you love spending time outdoors with your little ones why not join in

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

Would you like to comment?

  1. There is just too much cuteness in this post. Cute kid, cute cake. Lovely.

  2. Lovely post. A great way to spend your birthday. Last year for me it was a fire on the beach.:-)



  3. Hi Trini

    Thanks so much for the lovely comment :)

    Laura x

  4. Sounds like a perfect day. Happy Birthday!

  5. Such a lovely post, your pictures are beautiful. Your son is a real cutie!

    blue hue wonderland

  6. Glad you had a super birthday :-)

  7. laura what a lovely post, it looks like a fab birthday to me!!

    thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments

  8. What a lovely way to spend your birthday! Roath Park looks like a beautiful place to explore with so much to see and do. I love the photo of Mr A climbing the tree and looking so happy. Thanks for linking up and sharing your birthday celebration with Country Kids.

  9. Brilliant photos! Lovely. Happy Birthday too :)

  10. Happy birthday! Looks like the perfect way to spend your special day. That spot looks just lovely.

  11. Such a perfect way to spend your birthday.

    Dropping by from Country Kids


Lovely comments