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Cardiff Comic Con Family fun

My brother, Mr A and John enjoying Cardiff Comic Con

So I'm sure when people think of Cardiff that a Comicon Convention is not the first thing that springs to mind so we really were not sure what to expect, all we know is next year we are going to throw it out there with some costumes, because at the end of the day why not?

Cardiff comiccon
The original R2D2 and Darth Vader sitting next to each other and a well dressed enthusiast

Now the Cardiff Comic and Film convention really is still a fledgling in the world of this sort of events and I am sure that year on year it will grow bigger and stronger but the turn out was pretty amazing with Motorpoint Arena packed on both days. It did't have as many big names at the same events in London but still had some good draws with The Hoff (yes the Hoff!) Brian Blessed, a few Hobbits for good measure, Doc from scrubs - whom I was lucky enough to high-five, Ken Baker (R2D2) and Dave Prowse (Darth Vader) and my favourite Miltos Yerolemou from Game of Thrones (he plays sword-master Syrio) and I was over the moon to meet him, such a nice guy.

Game of Thrones
Syrio and I rocking out

Mr A also came face to face with a Dalek for the first time, which he simple calls and Alien from outer space (sorry we don't really watch Dr Who), as well as the Dukes of Hazzards car which was on display and all the great costumes on show he really enjoyed himself. With so many stalls, memorabilia and people to meet it was a great atmosphere for the young and old and we cannot wait till next year.

Pirates of the Caribbean
A really good Johnny Depp impersonation 

Cardiff comic con
Mr A coming face to face with a Dalek

Dr Who
Mr A loving his little Dalek we picked up for him

I am linked up with Travel Tuesday

A Compass Rose

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  1. That is so AWESOME!
    I've wanted to go to a Comicon for ages--each time someone posts pictures, they just look cooler and cooler.
    I'm glad you guys had such a great time!

  2. Hi Sarah

    Thanks so much for stopping by, yes it was so much fun and I am not that into comics really but great atmosphere and cannot wait until next year

    Laura x

  3. It looks great! We're gonna try and make it next year. Dave and Danny will be in their element! :-) x

    1. Hey Claire

      You really should try and make it next year, I think it will be even bigger and better, was loads of fun :)

      Laura x

  4. Cool! I would LOVE to go to a Comicon.

  5. My son has been at the Salt Lake ComicCon for the last 3 days and has been loving it He even got to speak to Stan Lee today, which I'm sure will be one of the highlights of his life! We even made a sort of a steampunk aviator costume for him - which turned out pretty well despite only having 48 hours and a budget of about $25 bucks.

  6. Dalics gave me nightmares for years!

  7. I had no idea there was an event like this in Cardiff! It sounds great.

  8. I recognize that neon lighted dalek anywhere! Thats Dalek Doris, she even has her own website

  9. I recognize that neon lighted dalek anywhere! Her names Dalek Doris, she even has her own website


Lovely comments