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Waldorf Inspired Crafts

Steiner Waldorf
Mr A with our Waldorf star hanging over our nature table

I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and their client.

I have been meaning to set more time aside for crafts, but as is life I always seem to run out of time. This week however I was determined to indulge in some simple and family-friendly paper crafts and with the little man starting Steiner Kindergarten soon it seemed only fitting to make a Waldorf/Steiner star above our nature table in our house. It's brings so much lovely colour into the kitchen and really brightens up the room. I thought some paper garlands would go well with the star and was inspired by two pins on my pinterest boards.

The great thing is for both of these crafts you don't need anything special, we simply popped down to our local supermarket and picked up some tissue paper, natural jute string, cardboard, PVA craft glue and a few jewels to add some sparkle. These are perfect for children, although they will need supervision when it comes to cutting and glueing.

 Here is how we made the Waldorf Star

tissue paper

First, you need 8 square pieces of either Tissue paper or Kite Paper, each in a different colour

The fold it lengthways and then repeat again on the other side, creating four small squares

Then take each corner and fold it in towards the centre of the paper, do this four times, to create four little triangles

Then turn the paper towards you so it's in a diamond shape and proceed to fold the left point up against the centre "line" forming a sharp point at the very top

Do this with each of the 8 pieces of paper, once this is done you can start to clue your star together. Just add little drops of PVA and start with your first colour, adding glue to the lower right-hand corner. The next piece will line up against the centrefold and proceed.

Steiner Star

Now you will have your star, you can make bigger and smaller ones, we added jewels for extra sparkles in the corner of ours. You slighting more in-depth instructions please visit GardenMama

Waldorf Steiner
Our Waldorf Star

For the paper garlands, all you need is different coloured cardboard, string, scissors and sellotape

paper crafts

Cut various colours of cardboard into circles, cut in even numbers as you need two sides for each circle and stick onto the string with about 15cm apart of each other, using sellotape.

paper garland

paper garland

Once you have placed all the circles, go back and stick the other side of the circle over the sellotape, this time using PVA glue, this makes each circle stronger and neater.

paper garland

Would you like to comment?

  1. Love the paper garland idea! Thanks for sharing

    1. Hi Dora

      Thanks so much, it's super simple, you should try it ;)

      Laura x

  2. I love the star! So beautiful, my boys would love those!

    1. Hi Sara

      Thanks so much for stopping by
      Both crafts are super easy, give them a go :)

  3. That Waldorf star is beautiful but all of these idea look great!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  4. This is gorgeous! I am a sucker for anything in rainbow colours :-)

  5. The star is so simple, and so effective. I feel a craft afternoon coming on!

    1. Hi

      Yes it's super fun to make and when the sun comes through it, it's beautiful :)

      Laura x

  6. love this! I have to try this with my son!

    1. Hi Desiree

      Yes give it a go, my little one loves it

      Laura x

  7. I love your star, it's so colourful :)

  8. They are so pretty. You've pinspired me too :) x

  9. The paper garlands are so simple but so effective. Great alternative for Christmas too.

  10. Great article, exactly what I needed.


Lovely comments