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App Happy - The Pandora App

Pandora jewellery

*In collaboration with Pandora

Sometimes in between sending emails, taking work calls, and the occasional social media check, there are moments in the day when our phones can do yet another thing for us, for example, shop.

Whilst the lunch break shop run is sometimes necessary, it’s not exactly appealing, especially if you’re looking for jewellery. Jewellery shopping is an art, by which the latest Pandora App is a masterpiece. So when you’re browsing for new charms for those beautiful bracelets for women, who says you need to miss lunch to do so?

pandora model

Firstly, the whole catalogue is available to browse, plenty of gorgeous options, although slightly dangerous for our purses. It’s easy to use and ranges from all the classic Sterling Silver bracelets with the mix and match charms to retired jewellery with some great Murano beads. The shuffle option is fantastic to show a random selection of the Pandora catalogue for when “Jewellery” is your category. 

Secondly, anyone with a phone able to download an app has the ability to view and enlarge all of the high-quality images for a close up look. There’s really no reason to have to go to a shop and peer behind several other similarly mesmerised women. Although, I’m not one to deny the simple pleasures in life for which the app cleverly supplies the ability to “Find Store”. 

Pandora concept store cardiff
Pandora Concept store Cardiff

Finally and perhaps the best part of the app is to “Find Gift”. Imagine you’re buying a birthday gift for a friend (a very good friend) and you’re uncertain of which jewellery route to go down as the choice ranges from necklaces and pendants to watches. Let’s say you choose a bracelet. The type of material really depends on the foundations of this friendship as there is a price difference between the Sterling Silver and18ct Gold. So, therefore, we begin our present specification with our budget. It’s as simple as this, material and colour is a matter of choice. Before you know it you’ve got a black Double Woven Leather Bracelet for under £50 and a new best friend. And as for your own birthday, a possible option is to download the app straight onto a friend’s phone for optimum results.

The versatility of Pandora jewellery has not gone unnoticed by its large fan base, where the sophisticated simplicity can be worn smart or casual. If, like many keen shoppers you like to change in your accessories, swap around your charms for different ways to wear it.

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