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Pick Your Own with Country Kids

PYO raspberries

There is nothing more blissful or satisfying than picking your own berries, it's a perfect activity for all ages and a great way to enjoy a warm summer afternoon. We have been meaning to top by and check out Gelynis Farm in Morganstown, less than 20 minutes from Cardiff City Centre but feels like a world away.


Having to park just before a level crossing and in a field adjustment we were immediately greeted by a lovely horse who cantered over straight away to say hello.

country kid
The PYO is based on a proper little farm with a small sort of hut that doubles as a coffee and ice-cream stall with wooden benches overlooking the rows of gooseberries. They currently had ripe crops of Raspberries, Blackberries and Mr A's favourite - black currants. It's the first time Mr A has done a proper pick you own adventure, we have done a little bit here and there in the hedgerows and harvested our own mini potatoes but nothing on this scale and he took to it straight away and immediately became an expert on what was ripe and what was not.

cute toddler

toddler on farm

For me the time we spend outdoors with the little man is the highlight of the day, it's the time I feel most like "Me" and a sense of technology freedom is always welcomed. It was such a blissful day with the greatest of simple pleasures to be surrounded by lovely natural fruit and family. It's such a little gem of a farm and so near to where we live I cannot believe it's taken us this long to have a proper look around and it also has such a lovely backdrop in the form of Castle Coch, a pretty little castle pearched on the side of a hill.

picking fruit
old bike

After having our bucket weighed with lovely fresh fruit - a big bag for only £4, we had a little wonder down the Taff trail which also connects to the farm. We had a few nibbles here and there of black currents and raspberries and then headed home to make some cordial. Once home we realised quite a few of our blackberries had little worms on them so after soaking them in a little salt (advised by a few twitter friends) we made a lovely cordial.
We really hope to visit atleast twice more before the end of the summer and we cannot wait to go back.

picking raspberries

farm yard

Every weekend we join in with Country Kids linky with Coombe Mill, Free Range Summer  and Magic Moments with The Mad house, if you love spending time outdoors why not join in

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

The Mad House

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  1. A beautiful backdrop for picking your own. We have to make our way to our local farm. I've seen quite a few posts now which look good. Also gets me to do some baking it seems!

    1. Hi Sabrina

      You really should go to your local while the weather is good and the fruits are ready :)

      Laura x

  2. Aww looks a fab place to visit!!
    Lovely photos x

  3. The photo with Castle Coch in is stunning - what a view. Fruit picking is a great activity with the children, it also helps the younger ones develop their fine motor skills. I hope the cordial turned out ok and thanks for sharing with Country Kids.

    1. Yes the cordial is great, perfect for summer, can't wait to go back and pick more

      Laura x

  4. Beautiful. Makes me miss home.

  5. Beautiful, makes me miss home

  6. Thank you ever so much for linking up to my little free range summer linky. I have been looking for a local PYO for ages, but nothing local for us. I will have to settle for brambling come september. I have such fond memories of it from when I was a child.

    1. Hi Jen

      It's great you have started up a new linky :) brambling is loads of fun too :)
      Thanks for stopping by

      Laura x

  7. Laura this looks like a fantastic time!! i have not been to PYO since i was a child. I really ought to go with my children.

    Thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments

    P.s some stunning pictures honey x

  8. I love berry picking!! I made a blackberry crisp with our most recent berries, but mostly we eat them fresh too fast to make anything out of them!


Lovely comments