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Park life with Country Kids

Wow what can I say, weather wise this has literally been the best we have ever had it here in the UK, well at least to my knowledge, I am an expat after all. With all this sunshine of course we have spent every day outside, exploring some new parks and developing our love for gardening. We are still in between houses so any excuse to drive around lesser know areas of Cardiff and the surrounds is always great and having mini adventures along the way even better. We have recently been enjoying Victoria Park, as it has a lovely little paddling pool, lots of green space to run around, beautiful flowers and a good play park.

toddler running

outdoor toddler

child's play

One of our must do things for the summer was to have a ride in a pedal boat with the little man as he is just the right age to sit in between us and be engaged and excited by the experience. We are very lucky to have the opportunity to go out on a lake so close to the city centre as Roath park offers both pedal and rowing boats. We packed a picnic, spent some time on the slides, went for a stroll and then for a relaxing meander on the lake, a lovely way to spend a day.

picking daisys

Roath lake

Mr A enjoying his boat ride

On one of the hottest days of the past week we headed out to Heath Park, somewhere that we still need to explore fully. It's another great place, large, with lots of space to run wild, as well as forested areas, walks, a wild pond and an outdoor exercise area. The only problem with the day that we went was so many wasps and bees where out, in force and quite aggressive so instead of our normal 3hour outings we spent around an hour and a half having a run around as they we after us and I feared one of us would end up being stung.

Natural childhood

cute child

Heath park

natural pond

Every weekend we join in with the Country Kids linky - a great collection of posts about spending time outside with your little ones, so why not join in

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

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  1. Looks like you guys had a fantastic time! As an expat myself, it truly is a delight to have better weather! I think your boat ride sounds like something that I would like to do with my 5yr old as well. Lovely post and what a cute little man!

    1. Hi Angeline

      Thanks so much for stopping by - I know we have to enjoy this weather while we can, it rains so much here in Wales.
      Our little man is coming up to being 3 and he loved it, would recommend it :)

      Laura x

  2. Mr. A is so adorable. Reminds me of my own little A when he was that small!

    1. Hi Amy

      Thanks so much for the lovely comment :)

      Laura x

  3. Hi Kara

    Thanks for stopping by, glad you like the photography :)

    Laura x

  4. What great places you've visited, it's a shame about the wasps and bees but I suppose that's one of the downsides about the hot weather at the moment. You have some gorgeous photos from your visits and I can see how much the Little Man enjoyed his boat ride. Thanks for sharing with Country Kids.

  5. All great parks. We love to discover new places too. There are still so many places around Glasgow that we have not properly discovered yet. This lovely summer weather has been great we finally made it to the beach! I love the thumbs up picture.

  6. Hi Laura, it's Ruth here (M & J's mum from the woodland group). I was googling for a picture of the big slide in the Lakeside playground for a languages activity I'm doing with my kids and another local family, and as an added bonus I found just what I wanted here- on your site (which I didn't know about!!). Is it ok for me to copy & print out that picture? It's only for personal use. Anyway, lovely site! Hope all is well and to see you soon xR

    1. Hi Ruth totally fine :) :) :) Use away

      Laura x


Lovely comments