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Fair-trade festival style

So I recently stumbled across a lovely little fair-trade and ethical bag company called Fikay which make lovely recycled bags, that are so colourful and unique and also have a real feel-good factor to them as for every product that is bought they donate resources to impoverished Asian communities. This is also a real homegrown company, which started by a man called Aaron who after volunteering in Asia and questioned why not all children get an equal education, set up this company to not only produce lovely fair-trade fashion but also to give back to the community. Anyway cut to chase, check out these lovely creations which would be perfect for not only a festival but for everyday.

Fikay Eco Elephant brand round bag £19.99

Recycled messenger bag £24.99

As you may already know I am a huge fan of People Tree, I love all there eco friendly, fair-trade and organic products and with a large selection of products for both men and women it's the perfect go to shop for something special. They always have such great jewellery with a real boho feel to them, perfect if you want to nail that festival style. They are currently running a sale so it's worth popping.

fairtrade jewellery
Engraved bangle £12

People Tree
Taja Crescent earrings £16

organic scarf
I love People Tree scarf £10.50

rabbit tee
Organic Rabbit Tee £30

peace t-shirt
Peace Tee in Gray £30 

Are you going to be going to a festival this summer, or have you been to one already? Would love to know what your festival style is and if you have any favourite ethical brands, let's share the love...

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  1. Oh my goodness! Cute bags! I'm going to get one! And help out in this world at the same time. :)

  2. I know they are so cute right?

    Thanks for stopping by

    Laura x

  3. Thank you so much for writing about Fikay Guys!

    It was really lovely to be shown this article


Lovely comments