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Our festival fashion

So we had an amazing time at Wychwood and the great thing about festivals is the colourful fashion, anything goes at festivals and I have to say we were lucky with the weather, which meant hats, shades and floaty fabrics. Here are some shots of my fave outfits from that weekend...

festival style

So in the outfit above I am rocking a Coco Love Top, Next jeans, Vans, SXUC glasses and festival bought straw hat. John was pleased to finally use his Ralph Lauren bucket hat and is also wearing a Levis jumper and RayBan glasses. Both styles are relaxed and fairly practical as we were there with a toddler after all.

Ralph Lauren hat

Even when the weather is dry when there are a lot of people walking over the same area it causes mud so on the last day I wore my lovely yellow wellies from Boden and a HM dress paired with some fairtrade accessories - a beaded hair band and wooden earrings. Our full review of the festival will be coming soon...

festival dress

Boden wellies

I have joined this post up with #YoloMondays  and Style Elixir link

Would you like to comment?

  1. Loving those bright yellow wellies, you had perfect festival weather x

    1. I know we were really lucky with the weather! The Welle are actually from the children's range at Bodens but they go up to a size 5 and I have small feet and love the colour so just got them anyway :)

      Thanks for stopping by

      Laura x

  2. You look so dang cute in the top picture! ADORABLE GIRL!

    1. Thanks so much for this lovely comment, made me smile :)

      Laura x

  3. Absolutely love the HM Dress.

    Thank you for linking up with The Weekend Blog Hop

    Hope you can join us this weekend

    Laura x x x

    1. Sure will, love joining in bloghops :)
      It's been a bit hectic this week with my Mac being out of action but everything is up and running again

      Laura x

  4. i absolutely love music festivals! too bad they're scarce where we are! i love that green top on you!

    1. Aww thanks so much for the lovely comment, in the UK we are quite lucky, everywhere is sort of close - this one was about an hour and a half away which is nothing!

      Laura x

  5. Love the yellow wellies look!

    1. Thanks so much, I love those wellies :)

      Laura x

  6. You look fab, not everyone can make a pretty sundress and wellies look like high fashion!

    1. Haha wasn't sure if it was going to work myself, but so much of the ground had be turned into mud due to so many people walking on it, it really was the only option :)

      Laura x

  7. Ooooh waw, I love that first outfit! Really festival proof :)

    1. Hi Elisse

      Thanks so much for stopping by and the lovely comment :)

      Laura x

  8. That dress is fabulous on you! Looks like you had a great time :)

    Thanks for linking up with Style Sessions!

    Lauren xx

  9. I like you dress and its colour theme, where did you get that boots?


Lovely comments