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The Conscious style

conscious collection

So I know the new H&M Conscious collection has been out for a while now but I simply have not had the time to highlight this great fashionable, ethical, eco friendly and affordable line from H&M. It's so refreshing to see organic cotton or recycled materials being used in high street stores at prices I can actually afford and whats better is that the range includes not only womens wear but also mens wear, childrens and home ware. Please note this is NOT a sponsored post, I have not been asked to share this with you - we just love sustainable clothing, so here are our top picks

CONSCIOUS collection

Going clockwise, starting with the playsuit is

1. Jumpsuit £30
2. shorts £13
3. Blouse £9.99
4. 5 pack rings £2.99
5. Sweatshirt £20

The spring campaign also has a new face, the French singer/actress and model Vanessa Paradis who really fits the image of the line, which has a sort of exotic feel to it.

ethical clothing

HM conscious collection

Would you like to comment?

  1. Me too, thanks for stopping by :)

    Laura x

  2. Wow! I feel like i've been hiding under a rock as i didn't even know about this collection! I love eco and natural products so thankyou for turning my attention to it :) x


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