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Adventures in all weathers with Country Kids

toddler in nature
Our favourite time is the time spent outdoors

Wow what a week, we have been so busy being outside which is the reason this post is a little late joining the Country kids linky. Since it's been warmer it's meant even when it's groggy or raining we have had fun jumping in puddles and going on muddy mountain walks and when the sun has been shining we embarked on our longest walk - a 2 and half hour trek through some beautiful forest and fields with the little man. This week we have crossed bridges, past beautiful bluebells, encountered an angry bee, watched out for stinging nettles, climbed trees, found wooden swords and explored new ground. We started the week off having fun in Bute Park, then we went for a mountain walk near Barry Sidings and adventured on the Taff trail around Blackweir Gate. Such fun spring brings.

toddler climbing a tree
Mr A tree climbing skills are really coming on
As with all out adventures I actively encourage Mr A to climb, jump, pick up things and investigate his surroundings, he more muddy and messy the better I say. It's really important for children to experience all different kinds of textures and surfaces as now more than ever children are surrounded by plastic toys in the home or flashy technologies such as ipads and really the most stimulating place for active minds is the outdoors.

We are lucky enough to live between the city and the valleys and have a mixture of large city parks, country parks, rural areas, the Taff Trail and the countryside to choose from, for which I am hugely grateful. We often stay within walking distance of the house, or take public transport, we are not afraid of long walks but on some occasions we do drive so that we can venture a little bit further from home.

Barry Sidings
Our muddy mountain walk at Barry Sidings
Saturday was such a beautiful day we decided to walk apart of the Taff trail we had not done before - this turned into a nearly 3hour walk - with a toddler - who loved every second of it and didn't complain once - and who would when you have a forest filled of wonderful sounds and smells to explore.

toddler in the forest

Beautiful bluebells

We came across some beautiful bluebell fields on our walk, a much welcomed sight, I love this time of the year.
beautiful flowers

Blackweir Gate
Running across the mini suspension bridge

straw hat
A happy boy makes a happy Mama
spring sky
These are the kind of spring evenings I love and a great way to end the week
Every week we join up with the lovely people at Coombe Mill and the Country Kids linky - a great place for people to share their love of the outdoors with their family, why not join in.

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

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  1. So many great walks! I love it. Really beautiful photos! Great you got out so much this week. Love your wee man's hat!

  2. What a great post! Looks like you have some great places to explore nearby :-)

  3. We're like you very lucky to live near city conveniences but also great Welsh countryside. Looks like a great day out, lovely photos :)

  4. Haha I love that he's already climbing trees! He is just too darling :) And you live in such a gorgeous place, these photos are beautiful!

  5. What beautiful pics! You're so right, in a world of plastic toys children can get so much more from the natural textures you find in the great outdoors. Great to find you via #CountryKids.

  6. He is SO SO incredibly adorable!

  7. Laura this is a lovely post. You are doing just the same as us, I have been cooking with wild garlic from the farm just like in your photos and the children have been playing in the bluebell wood next to Coombe Mill. You are going to think I am copying you when I post this weekend! Your little man is a trooper for all that walking and he looks so happy - and stylish as ever. Thank you for linking up and not late at all.

  8. Lovely and I totally agree, the muddier the better :) I drive past Barry Sidings every day on my way to work. I will have to go explore!

    Random question, do you ever go geocaching?

  9. The debate that surrounded the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin in the 19th Century. The controversy in British society that was caused by the publication.


Lovely comments