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Fun on the farm and other adventures

So we had a really bumper week this week with regards to the weather, which in the South of Wales is prone to be wet and raining regardless of the time of the year. our main adventure this week was the Vintage Tractor Show at St Fagans which really was the highlight of the week as the little man is obsessed with Tractors and big machines at the moment. He literally couldn't contain his excitement, running for tractor to tractor asking what each one was called and examining it in detail.

Toddler and tractors


Tractor fair

It was great to see so many types and there was an array of vintage machines and engines being run. We of course then had to find the "Tractor Train" that St Fagans runs on the weekend and which Mr A loves to go on, it's only 50p a stop and they don't charge for the little man so it's really worth it. Another great thing about St Fagans is that is also has a little farm house which houses some chikens, ducks, turkeys and depending on what time of the year piglets, sheep and the odd cow dotted here the there. Mr A had some fun trying to say hello to some chickens and turkeys, not sure if they really wanted to say hello to him though.

Fun on the farm

After having a little picnic and sharing a very yummy jam scone from the bakery we had fun running around the houses and through the forest, we also made our way up to the castle and the "secret" wooden garden that has some amazing wooden structures and a wooden dome in the middle and is a great place for children to run around.

Toddler sunglasses
Toddler outdoor fun

Running through arches

Earlier during the week we also had a great family day out in Bute Park in Cardiff, I did a short post about what John and Mr A wore on this day which can be seen here. They have some wonderful natural wooden sculptures of which Mr A loves the seal near the waterbus stop. The boys also had a great time climbing trees and for the first time of the year it actually felt like long warm days were really on there way.

Bute Park

Bute Park

The great thing that really topped of a wonderful week was on Saturday evening me and the little man got to eat outside in the garden, which Mr A loved and hopefully will be a regular thing we will be doing during the summer.

Every week we join up with an amazing Linky with the lovely people at Coombe Mill for Country Kids, if you love spending time outdoors with your little or big ones then why no join in :)

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

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  1. Wow, the tractors are very cool :) I adore the photos of the trees - just beautiful - and your little boy looks like he is having so much fun! The nice weather makes everything better - being able to eat outside is just fab!

  2. Happiness is being with mummy and daddy, exploring the great outdoors. Life doesn't get much better than that!

  3. beautiful photos and the sunny and warm weather certainly helps doesn't it? i adore the tree climbing pics (we did this too!) and a garden picnic is such fun x

  4. I love the sweater and that jacket is wearing, both such cute looks. Glad you guys were able to enjoy the nice weekend too! Perfect for a picnic. x

    Bonnie Rose | a Compass Rose

  5. That looks like such fun, and you take absolutely gorgeous photos!

  6. What a handsome little man you have. The colour of that sweater in the first few pictures is really lovely - where's it from? x

  7. Now Mr A looks in 7th heaven with all those tractors as every boy his age would! It would have been a delight for ours at that age too. Beautiful photos of your day out and so lovely not to be wrapped up from the cold and rain! Was that a hand kntted cardigan he was wearing? I had an Aunt who knitted matching sets of these for mine, of course they now won't wear them but it was good while it lasted! Thank you for the lovely mentin for Country Kids and for linking up with me.


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