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Winter Sun Fun

Summer seems so long ago, the feeling of natural warmth a distant memory, but saying that we go out everyday no matter what the weather so when it is sunny it can be such a delight and with a recent spell of sunshine over what is usually rainy Wales made us smile, especially since it was Johns day off which meant some good family outings. The first place we decided to brave was the seaside, Penarth to be exact. First we had a lovely meal at the Ocho bar and then a walk through the park down to the pier. Little Mr A loved that the pier had been cornered off as they are doing restoration work and he told us he needed to go home to fetch his hammer and ladder as he wanted to help. On the walk back from the pier, we took a different root through the park looking at all the wooden owl and animal carvings and playing hide and seek. 

ben Sherman parker
Little Mr A rocking his Parker

Welsh photography
It's great to see the blue sky again
Ralph Lauren jacket
The two boys on the Pier

Van shoes

wooden owl

Our second sunny day was equally full of adventure as we explored a country park that we would otherwise over look - Barry Sidings. It has some great waterfalls, a fishing lake, picnic tables, a play area and some country and mountain walks -what more could you ask for. Little Mr A had to take his toolbox with him and we collected pine cones and sticks to put inside of it. We found some good sticks to make swords from and little Mr A loved running around trying to get us. Even though it was still bitterly cold we have enjoyed seeing blue sky.

Forest walk

Collecting pine cones in the toolbox

sword sticks
Sword stick fun

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  1. This past week has been so beautiful for being outdoors if bitterly cold. I love your family photos, it looks like such happy family fun for you all. Those last two shots with the stick sward are so adorable. Thank you for joining me on Country Kids.


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