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Thrifty shoe find

I love it when you find things even when your not really looking, like these cute little wedges I picked up in a charity shop for £3!!! They had never been worn and I wasn't even looking for shoes and then I stumbled across these little beauties and I have been wanting some new wedges for a while and these have a nice detail on the front. I real bargain find, and they fit perfectly too - so it was meant to be.

instagram fashion


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  1. Oooooh! I have those ones... unfortunately for me they were bought from Next about five years ago... and I still love them... great find!

  2. they're beautiful! what a great purchase!

  3. I love those shoes, how come I never find anything great like that when I go op shopping!?
    Great blog by the way, just stumbled upon one of your comments on another blog, clicked on through and now here I am ;)


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