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A Jolly good time

So Christmas has been and past...hope you got everything you asked for. This year I really enjoyed the giving side of things, I started planning far further in advance and found some really special little gifts for my friends and family, like finding this Ralph Lauren soap - I didn't even know they made soap!
I also managed to find little Mr A a very cute little wooden kitchen and wooden tools which he loves and hopefully he will leave mine alone now. The only thing to put a dampener on the day was for the past week we have all been struck down by a horrible virus - Mr A has been hit the worst and has had a fever for the past 5 days and totally out of sorts, he is slowly coming back to his old cheeky self.

Rustic leaves
Ralph Lauren Soap

Unfortunately because of us getting sick we didn't get to make Christmas the homemade affair we usually do. I did manage to pick up our wonky real tree and decorated before getting ill as well as making some orange slice decorations and Mr A and I also attended a Carol service which he enjoyed very much and had his face painted for the first time.

Homemade decorations

Christmas party pre-illness smiles

So this year was quite the mellow affair, John finally also got the Ralph Lauren autobiography he wanted and Mr A and I both had a lovely Fred Perry gift in the form of a new festive jumper for myself and a stylish Harrington for Arthur

Wooden Kitchen
What to play with first...wooden tools or wooden kitchen?

Mr A Rocking his Fred Perry Harrington, even though he wasn't feeling well at all

Fred Perry kids
Me and my boy in Fred Perry...both under the weather but still smiling

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  1. lovely post and super cute pic! :)


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