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St Davids Fashion Show

This Saturday was a day packed with fashion and blogger fun as St Davids 2 in Cardiff was putting on a catwalk show (part of Cardiff Fashion Week) of all the latest trends and also held a little blog meet up in Jamies. It was so great to meet and talk with other fashion and beauty bloggers, even though it was very cramped and we didnt get the chance to say hi to everyone the bubbly was flowing and it's not that often that John and I get the chance to go out that much. There were some lovely little nibbles on the tables and everyone looked amazing.

Cardiff Fashion Show

After the blog meet up we all went outside to watch the last catwalk show of the day. The stage was lit up and there was a really great atmosphere. With labels such as Coast, River Island and CK underwear showing off their current collections there was something for everyone and I loved the incorporation of dance into the show, the models must of been professional dancers as it was fun, lively and very well choreographed. Here are some highlights from the night

catwalk show

CK underwear

CK underwear

Cardiff Fashion Week

Cardiff fashion show

cardiff fashion week

Cardiff fashion week

After the show John and I popped into Yo Sushi for some yummy veggie sushi and then a cheeky cocktail at The Downstairs Bar before heading home. It's really sad that this years - Cardiff Fashion Week is over, but it's been great and cannot wait for next year.

Ending the night on a healthy note - veggie cucumber sushi

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  1. Lovely to see you again and meet John. Will have to let eveyone know when the next cdfblogs is, going to be a Christmas social so we can all have some cocktails and chat :)


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