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John's Tattoo

So after a longtime of throwing back and forth ideas and contemplating what to get, John finally had some free time and booked in for a Tattoo. He wanted something with an old school almost vintage style look and decided to go with a Russian Doll on this right calf muscle. I personally love the final result and cannot wait till he get's the other side done.

Old School Tattoo

Old school tattoo

vintage tattoo

While John got his Tattoo Arthur and I a coffee and babycino.

Thanks for reading Side Street Style :)

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  1. Aww a babycino, cute!
    the tattoo is well done, the artist is incredible!

    Chloe Polo

  2. It is very important to resist the urge to pick or scratch you tattoo! If your tattoo itches you can lightly slap it. while it is peeling, just apply some lotion. why people get pokemon tattoos


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