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Nica Purse Giveaway

I have a really amazing giveaway this week - a Nica Purse worth £25. It's super easy to enter all you need to do is follow the blog on friends connect and leave a comment. If your already a follower you also get extra entries for - Following on Twitter - Retweeting the competition - Following on Facebook - Following on Pinterest - Follow on Instagram - giving me some Klout The competitions ends on 31st August. ...

DIY Projects to Reinvent Old Fashions

Sometimes a treasured piece of clothing has been right out of style. Other times, a trendy piece may need an update to eliminate strains and frays. Whatever the reason my be, reinventing a favourite piece of clothing can be accomplished by using several different techniques . While the experienced crafter may prefer to use a sewing machine, many of the hottest fashions can be created without using needle of thread. For anyone who wants to add their personal sense of style to a new or worn out item clothing, the following simple ideas with give any fashion some flair. Tee to Tank: T-shirts are often worn so often that they become susceptible to stains and tears. However, it can be hard to let a favourite t-shirt go. Therefore, an old t-shirt can be made new again by putting scissors to the fabric and cutting off the arms to make a tank. To give the tank a polished look, a sewing machine can be used to hem up the places were the fabric was cut. However, leaving the edges unfinished......

Sunday Instagram Lovelies

 So every week or so I love to share our instagrams from little moments captured. It's been a starnge week, one day raining next day sunny, so it's been filled with BBQ's, cider, walk in the parks, puddles, dens and yummy food. I find that since I don't really drink - one drink is more than enough for me, I then like to make my one special and try new things like the Elderflower cider or organic cider. Trying out some new red lipgloss and elderflower cider A pleasant Cardiff evening walk and making den's outside My new charity shop Queenie mug and veggie falafel hotdog roll Very yummy organic cider Playing in puddles Thanks for reading Side Street Style ...

Meeting Rachel Khoo...a journey of food and fashion

So I was lucky enough to have my copy of Little Paris Kitchen signed by Rachel Khoo herself at the Big Welsh Bite, she even gave Arthur her beautifully decorated cupcake which was covered in plump blueberries which he gobbled up in no time. For those who don't know Rachel Khoo she is a former fashion PR girl and St Martins graduate turned French inspired chef and parisian resident who has a wardrobe, flat and bohemian lifestyle we all wish we had. Before turing to food she worked in Fashion,  which can clearly be seen in her collection of beautiful, chic and vintage pieces, she then on a whim packed up and moved form London to Paris where she Au-paired and completed a 3 month Patisserie course at the famed Cordon Blu cooking school and well the rest is history. Inspired by some of her recipes I attempted my own versions of the fresh carrot salad and Pears with a rich chocolate sauce - with everything time is of the essence when you have a toddler running around so I didn'......

John's Tattoo

So after a longtime of throwing back and forth ideas and contemplating what to get, John finally had some free time and booked in for a Tattoo. He wanted something with an old school almost vintage style look and decided to go with a Russian Doll on this right calf muscle. I personally love the final result and cannot wait till he get's the other side done. While John got his Tattoo Arthur and I a coffee and babycino. Thanks for reading Side Street Style :)...

Illustrator love

So the other week I was so happy to hear I won the Little Green Shed Moleskin notebook giveaway - designed and illustrated by the very talented Tigerlilly Quinn . These two bloggers are so creative you really should check them out. Here is my amazing little notebook and I will be using as a place to jot down all my ideas So Tigerlilly Quinn is a super cool Illustrator and mum to one and is filled with inspiration, drawings, beautiful photography and wonderful family moments... The blogger who was running the giveaway and whom I briefly met at the Women's Institute earlier this year is another amazing illustrator and photographer and who blogs at Little Green Shed - a wonderful blog filled of beautiful craft things. ...

Autum will soon be in the air

I cannot believe it as soon as you think the sun is around to stay is disappears again...summer is soon going to be over and it's as if it never really got started. You can see the change in the shops, with the new arrivals of Autumn and Winter collections slowly trickling in. I am determined to not be caught out this year as I found that winter appeared out of nowhere last year and I was under prepared with regards to a nice warm, practical and stylish jacket. I have finally learnt over the years that when it comes to a winter jacket you really do need to invest in a quality item that not only looks good but keeps you warm and preferably dry. I always think the French get this spot on and I always think of Parisian ladies in their quintessential Pea Coats and Macs. This year though I am going to go for a more British Look as it only seems fitting to embrace Britannia when we have so much to celebrate at the moment. I am thinking countryside, wax jackets, tweed and quilted patterns......

Making a house a home

For those who don't know we are in the process of selling/moving and all that stressful jazz. Emotionally I have already moved and I cannot help but keep picking up little bits and bobs for the new house and when I saw this simple and smooth fruit bowl I had to get it...I love well designed natural products. ...

Side Street Style in Cardiff Life Magazine

So I was walking around Cardiff and picked up one of my regular reads - Cardiff Life magazine, I was especially looking forward to reading this months copy as it had a section on all the vintage shops and pop-up boutiques and markets and while page through on the "Spotlights" page I noticed my blog header and too my delight they had done a mini write up about the blog and even put a cheeky mention about Arthur in there too. Thanks for reading Side Street Style...

An Outfit on budget

So with Arthur's birthday next month and then Christmas, it's time to start saving, so outfits need to be thrown together on a budget - this however does not mean one should compromise on style or quality. If you, like me need to budget start looking at vintage fairs and charity shops and why not see if your parents have any jewellery stashed away in boxes in the attic, you never know you could find a real gem. This outfit is a collection of thrifted, charity shop, found and bargain buys. The trousers are River Island and I bought them from a chairty shop and they still had the original tag on them, the top is CocoLove from TKMaxx which I managed to get for under £10 and the jewellery has all either been given to me or thrifted. The most expensive item is the Dents bag which I bought on Sale for £50, but I use it all the time. Top - Cocolove, Trousers - River Island (via charity shop), Creepers - Barratts, Necklace and bracelets thrifted.  ...

Creeper Love

I am in love with my Creepers that have just arrived, they are made by Barratts and bought them online from Debehmans for a bargain! Thanks for reading Side Street Style ...

Instagram Roundup

Every now and then I like to share our favourite instagrams, as they are little slices of life from food to fashion, family and everything in between here are our most recent faves Different drinks I am currently in love with healthy seeded 9 bars and Tomato and Mozzarella salad My heart...John's shoes Nail Smash effect Arthur looking fresh in his Vans ...